doing for a second, until her eyes fluttered open, and she

raised her head. “Can I see you? Please? I want to taste you.

Without the panties.”

Claire looked on edge, like at any second she was going to

slam down her skirt, push back the chair, and stalk out of the

room. She was conflicted, her emotions warring with each

other in full view, but Haley won out.

Claire leaned forward and snatched something off the

desktop, then held it down. Haley stared at the long blade of

sharp looking scissors. Was she supposed to cut Claire’s

panties off of her? Christ, she had no experience with this. It

seemed too dangerous.

Claire held out one seam, along the side, holding the silky

fabric away from her skin. “Here. Cut them here.”

Haley’s hands were shaking so badly that she was afraid

she’d botch it. She put one underneath, along Claire’s hip, just

to be sure she could guide the blades away from her sensitive

skin there. The first snip nearly stopped her heart, but when it

was just fabric, she kept going. She cut until the one side was

gone, then she did the other with more confidence. She even

pulled them away and handed back the scissors. She kept her

eyes on Claire’s as she did, the raw emotion there exactly what

she thought she wouldn’t see.

Claire spread her legs. She sat that way, exposing herself to

Haley, entirely without shame or reluctance. She too had the

benefit of expensive waxes.

One more quick look into Claire’s face and Haley was

shocked again at the emotion there. There were no walls in

place. She was naked and exposed. As if she couldn’t

remember the last time she’d let anyone close enough to do