for Claire’s touch as she played the most beautiful music. She

saw her ass, glowing red from the strap and her palm,

shivering and mewling against the painful pleasure in her bed.

Fuck. Fuck, it has to stop. Jenny’s right. She wasn’t correct

about what Claire was feeling. She wasn’t falling. She refused

to accept any part of that. But she was feeling something.

Alive. Fulfilled. Awakened. That was cause enough for

concern. The only way things ended for them was badly. She

knew that. She’d always known it. Haley knew it too, but she

was a romantic and no doubt thought she stood a chance of

changing Claire’s mind.

She would have to talk to her. Explain that they couldn’t do

what they were doing. Really explain it. And, if Haley refused

to listen or believe her, then Claire would have to crush her so

completely that the only option left was for Haley to hate her.

Even a few weeks ago, she would have been hard enough to

do it and not care.

Where she was now…well, it wasn’t a few weeks ago.

Chapter 15


It was true that she wasn’t brave enough to risk it all by

going to Claire’s room again, but the office somehow seemed

more benign. It was less of a personal space and more of a

workspace. The orgasms against the bookshelf aside.

Haley knew she was tempting more than fate when she

crawled under Claire’s desk to wait. She had no plan aside

from that. Claire had been gone for most of the afternoon and

she knew from Jean and Snake that she was supposed to be

back at six. She’d crawled under Claire’s desk at five thirty,

hoping like crazy that Claire didn’t just go straight to her