“What are we?”

“Excuse me?” Claire shifted in her seat, crossing one leg

over the other. She gave Jenny the kind of stare down she’d

give anyone, even though they were so much closer than most

people she knew. Closer even than her family.

“Are we friends? Are we more than just employer and


Claire cleared her throat. “You know we are.”

“Okay. Well, I wanted to give this to you straight, and I

know you wouldn’t fire me for saying it, but I also wasn’t

going to give you advice that you wouldn’t take on friendly


Bracing. That’s what her body did. It braced for what she

already knew Jenny was going to say. “Go ahead. You can

always speak your mind.”

“I’m worried about you. I haven’t said anything because I’m

loyal to you, always. The whole house knows there’s

something going on between you and Haley. No one would

say anything to you, to anyone about it, but I think I need to. I

don’t want to see you get hurt, Claire. It’s not a good


Claire sighed deeply. She slowly let the air out of her lungs

so that she wouldn’t end up screaming. “You’re worried about

Haley, then.”

Jenny made a noise in her throat that sounded like despair.

“No. I’m worried about you. You’re not yourself.”

“I’m not soft and fragile. I won’t shatter into a thousand

pieces,” Claire snapped. “I’m fine.”

That earned her a look that said Jenny knew that was total

bullshit. “This is something that can only end one way. I’m not