“This looks like a magical ballroom. This whole house is

totally gorgeous. Not like super luxurious dripping in money

gorgeous, but tasteful gorgeous. It still kind of has a beachy,

homey feel, even if it is classy. I like it.”

“I’m glad it gets your stamp of approval,” Haley laughed.

She lifted the cover off the keys and sat down. “Any


Elva usually had a thousand, but she seemed lost in her own

world. She wandered over to the huge windows on the far side

of the room that overlooked the sound, like most of the

windows in the house did, because whoever designed the place

had been really smart that way too. She stared out with her

arms crossed over her chest.

“Um, something romantic?” Amy asked, casting a hopeful

look to the doorway where Snake lingered like a shadow.

“Does he dance?” she whispered, bending over Haley so her

voice wouldn’t carry.

“I have no idea.” Haley’s hands found the keys. “He’s full

of surprises, I bet. You should go ask him.”

Amy snapped her mouth shut and bit down on her bottom

lip. She sat down on the edge of the bench that Haley wasn’t

taking up and leaned into her, setting her head on her shoulder.

“On second thought, I’m good right here. But still. Something

romantic, miss, if you please.”

Haley thought about Claire, her dark, controlling, sensual

side, the secrets she kept, the hurt in her eyes, the way her lips

twitched at the corners sometimes when a smile was

threatening to break free, because Claire was so much more

than anyone gave her credit for. And Haley wanted to get

below that hard surface, into the soft parts, and discover what