perfectionist, and not just in the kitchen. It was a trait Haley

only ever applied to piano, because her grandma insisted that

she take her music seriously, especially after that was what she

decided she wanted to do. The piano deserved dedication and

respect, but even then, her grandma had taught her to have fun

with it and not let the serious aspect of her studies take over

and ruin or dampen her passion for the music.

“Okay.” Haley nodded. “Thank you for letting everyone

come over. We’ll be careful out in the water.”

“Snake will be watching,” Claire reminded. “He’ll make

sure that no one drowns.”

“I’m also a certified lifeguard, even if I’ve never done it for

a job before. I’m a good swimmer. I’ll make sure no one


Claire’s lips twitched. “Well, just in case, Snake will be

there as a backup.”

Amy sighed like she was considering feigning drowning

while Haley was preoccupied with something else, just so it

was Snake who had to save her. She’d probably prefer mouth

to mouth. She might even try to go under for real just to

guarantee it. Amy had done crazy things in the past.

Elva’s eyes were still locked on Jenny as she and Claire

turned and left. She snapped her attention elsewhere, onto the

kitchen counter, pretending to be fascinated with the expensive

blender that Claire had in there, when she noticed Haley


Elva was one of those people who didn’t really ever date.

Yes, she’d had some casual girlfriends in the past, but she’d

been serious about getting good grades in high school and she