gone when she turned toward the window and looked back.

Haley hadn’t missed it. Had Elva?

Haley found herself a little breathless as Claire took a few

steps into the kitchen. “Hi,” she said, her voice warm. She

didn’t extend a hand or anything. She did look at Haley and

give her the smallest of smiles, but it felt like a huge victory. “I

hope you enjoy the beach today. Jean can cook whatever you

would like for dinner. I have to go to the city for business and I

won’t be home until later. You can have free range of the

house. Just not my office.”

Holy. Shit. Had Claire just made a joke? An inside, dirty,

steamy joke that only Haley would understand? Her pulse

quickened and her body felt like she’d just been struck by one

of the many bolts of lightning that were suddenly zinging

through the room.

Haley was so stunned that Claire might have waltzed into

the kitchen wearing a chef’s hat and uniform and announced

that she was going to cook for them. Which Haley knew Claire

never did. Had she cooked at all after what happened with her

dad? After giving up her restaurant? Like not making herself a

sandwich or a smoothie or something simple, but really

cooked? Or even baked?

“Can I play for Amy and Elva?” Haley knew it was a silly

question, but she wanted to keep Claire there for a few

minutes longer. She was watching Claire’s face, drowning in

her dark eyes, but she saw Jenny’s eyes flicker over to Elva

again, while she pretended that she wasn’t looking. Haley

shifted her gaze to Elva, who was still standing there, looking

like she’d gotten zapped by a stray shot of her own lightning.

There were so many currents buzzing around the room that it