the blender ready. As soon as he saw them, he rushed forward,

introducing himself. “I can make you whatever you want. I’m


nbsp; so excited that you’re here. Guests at last. I can put my

cooking skills to good use. I bake too. You name it. Anything.

Anything can and will be made at your request.”

Elva laughed and Amy was flustered and grinning as Jean

pumped both of her hands in a weird handshake that went on

and on. “I’m not rich or anything,” Amy said. “But can I offer

you a job in which you come live with us and work your

cooking magic and we repay you with lots and lots of


“I wish, fair lady. I wish.”

Haley raised a brow. Apparently, Jean was quite a charmer.

She should have figured he would be. He was the first person

who had really made her feel welcome.

“I can make anything from liver pate to sandwiches,” Jean

assured them.

“Oh, sandwiches!” Elva said quickly, mock horror on her

face. “Not liver pate. Please, anything but that.”

“Or pizza,” Amy supplied. “Or pasta. Or anything you want

to make, really. We’re not fussy.”

“You’re staying for dinner, then?”

“We are!”

Jean clapped his hands. “This is excellent news. That means

snacks and lunch and then dinner, and dessert. I haven’t been

this excited in ages.”

“Don’t overextend yourself or get stressed,” Haley warned.

“We have simple tastes.”

Jean’s brow arched. “Don’t try to fool me, young lady. Your