it’s not beachy, but it has kind of an ancient, beach house feel.

Without the beach house. And that officially makes no sense,

so…” She looped arms with her friends. “Let me take you on a

tour so you can just see for yourself and form your own


“Does he come with the tour?” Amy whispered hopefully,

casting a glance in Snake’s direction.

Haley giggled. “If I’m going, then he’s going. He follows

me everywhere. He’s like a shadow.”

Amy sighed, lovesick to the core. “I’d like him to be my

shadow. I’d actually like to wear him.”

“Amy!” Elva hissed, but it was half giggle. “You say the

grossest things sometimes.”

Haley led her friends to the house. She might not know

about Snake or understand Amy’s attraction to the guy, but she

did understand that some people just held an animal

magnetism that couldn’t be denied and once you saw them,

you were just finished.

Wouldn’t she like to be Claire’s shadow? Wouldn’t she like

to be draped in her, wrapped up in her arms, their bodies

pressed together, skin on skin, wearing each other in a sense?

Yes. Yes, she would. She wanted that so much that her entire

body, from her chest to her clit, ached.

They walked through the house. Haley went right past

Claire’s office, burning as she did. She was being consumed

by flames with every step she took. She was barely aware of

her friends exclaiming over this and that, the size of the rooms,

the crazy couch that was all different shapes compiled

together, a piece of art.

Jean was waiting for them in the kitchen with more than just