schedule to work out that way, and she was taking only three

classes instead of five. It was going to be a welcome break.

She could actually enjoy her last year instead of stressing so

much because she was taking a full course load.

Looking out over the placid water, Haley was nearly blinded

by the bright sun sparkling off the surface. Boats zipped

around on the horizon, people enjoying their almost summer

already. Most of the places out here were probably vacation

houses, and it was the weekend. The sound was always busier,

she’d noted, on Saturdays.

Getting into a routine, are we? Don’t get too comfortable.

Ha. Fat chance that’s ever going to happen. There was no way

she was going to go into Claire’s bedroom again, or into her

office, without her there. Haley wasn’t afraid of Claire. She

was more afraid of herself. She was afraid of what would

happen. She was scared that whatever did happen, she’d like


She wasn’t even going to start asking herself what she was

to Claire. They were doing something they shouldn’t be doing

and she’d basically goaded Claire into it both times. Haley had

never felt so out of control. Actually, she’d never felt half of

what she’d felt with Claire in her bedroom or in that office

before. She needed time to gather her courage.

Claire didn’t want her to touch her. She was apparently fine

with giving pleasure, but what about receiving it? Haley didn’t

want what they were doing to be so one sided. The next time

they did anything, it wasn’t going to be just about her. She

might not be good at punishment or whatever Claire liked, but

she could learn. And she could sure as hell do other things.

She wanted to get beneath Claire’s hard exterior. Get under the