“Yes,” Morgun panted. “Yes, I’m fine.”

Laney’s finger circled her

clit again and Morgun shook. “You’re so incredibly sexy,” Laney breathed. “I love that I get to watch myself giving you pleasure. You have no idea how erotic it is. You have no idea how turned on I am right now.”

Morgun gripped Laney’s neck and pulled her to her. She needed to kiss her. Needed that connection. Needed it because she needed to do something with her lips and tongue and mouth. She was already so close to the edge. Her whole body was straining.

Laney kissed her hard. Her tongue twisted with hers. She suckled her lips, nipped her with her teeth softly. She was all fire. She knew just where to touch Morgun, just how much, when, knew just what combination of sensation to produce. Morgun whimpered and moaned into Laney’s mouth. Her body responded immediately to her touch. When Laney finally took pity on her and ground down into the right spot, Morgun nearly screamed.

And then Laney curled two fingers and thrust up into Morgun and it was game over. Laney knew just how to move her fingers. The right speed to thrust, the perfect curl. The heat coiled madly. Laney kept stroking her with long, hot, wonderful strokes. Morgun’s hips rolled and rocked with a violence that nearly astounded her. Everything inside her tightened. Laney kept rolling her hips too, rolling them into her own hand.

Morgun was just about there, and so she was shocked when Laney broke the kiss and cried out right near her ear. Her body vibrated and shook above Morgun, but she didn’t stop thrusting deep into her core. She curled her thumb and pressed into Morgun’s clit, and an explosion detonated deep inside of her at the contact. Morgun felt her body clench up tight and then the spasms and waves came with a blinding intensity.

They spiralled together and came together. Shook and vibrated and clenched around each other. Morgun panted and panted. Laney moaned, and that unfettered sound was better than a scream. Morgun let the waves rock over her. The climax was so hot and hard that she found herself clenching her teeth and scrunching her eyes so tight that when she finally released everything, her brow ached.

Laney slowly slid her hand away. She didn’t untangle her legs.

“Holy cow and a half,” Morgun breathed. “Holy pineapples and pizza. Holy- holy everything. Everything holy. That was…I don’t even know.”

“Crazy awesome? A little bit good? Slightly pleasant? Needs improvement?”

Morgun laughed. “Definitely needs improvement. Clearly.”

Laney propped herself up on an elbow and looked into Morgun’s eyes. She smiled at her, a liquid smile that spoke of happiness and contentment. And it was all for her. “Needs improvement, hmm? I’m up for that.”

“When?” Morgun panted.

“In about ten seconds.”

“Why ten?”

“It seems like a nice, round, even number. I think it will take me about that long to get the bones and muscles back in my body.”

All Morgun could do was smile. It didn’t fade. It wasn’t going to fade. Her face might crack, but she’d still be rocking that smile. She couldn’t stop because Laney wasn’t just going to check out on her. She wasn’t going to leave. She was going to spend the night with her.

As if to prove it, Laney shifted and pulled Morgun into her arms.

“You know,” Laney whispered contentedly against Morgun’s hair. Morgun shivered to hear that soft, sated tone. “I came to your place on Christmas. I buzzed the buzzer, but no one answered.”

“Really?” Morgun thought that, considering they were in bed together and that was shocking enough in itself, that she’d had her quota of surprises for the night. “You did? When?”

“It was late. After I left my parent’s house. I drove here. I don’t know why. I don’t even remember what time it was. I just…showed up. I rang the buzzer. There was no answer. I guess I wanted to tell you that I was sorry about the wedding. Maybe wish you a Merry Christmas. I had leftovers from my parents’ house tucked under my arm. You were probably still with your own family, and like you would have wanted leftovers…”

“Oh, I would have wanted them.” Morgun laughed and she felt Laney relax against her.

“There weren’t any giant, scary, nuclear-looking, extra-large hissing rats on the doorstep that night.” They both laughed about the incident with Chester. Morgun still found it hard to believe that Laney had never seen an opossum before.

“That’s…wow. So that day I had my interview, I thought that you just bumped into me by accident, sort of.”

“No. It wasn’t an accident. I was watching for you to be done so that I could try to talk to you. I knew that I needed to apologize. Even if it was just that.”

“Just that? You had something else in mind?”

“I really did want to know how your interview went.”

“That was it?” Morgun was so sure Laney would say it was. She was sure she wouldn’t admit to having any other motive. She was surprised yet again.

“No. That wasn’t it. Maybe I wanted to see you.”