Morgun shot Laney a scathing look. “No, but I thought that you wanted a break.”

Laney suddenly felt daring. She felt reckless. She didn’t feel like herself at all. When she looked at Morgun, the low light filtered down, turning her sandy blonde hair to an ashen color, and her green eyes seemed to glow like a cat’s. A very attractive cat. A sleek, beautiful cat dressed in black, with perfect curves, perfect breasts, gorgeous, delicate features. A cat of the night. Elegant and wild.

Morgun’s lips parted a fraction and her eyes got a wide and startled when she realized just how Laney was suddenly looking at her.

Maybe it was a full moon. Maybe it was the drinks. Maybe it was the dance. Maybe it was because Morgun was beautiful, sexy, smart, sweet, talented—she was a complete package and it was hard as heck not to find that attractive. Maybe it was because it had just been a really long time since Laney had any sort of connection with anyone. Okay, it had been a while for other things too. Her body felt it. She felt it. Her head felt it.

And for once her better judgement wasn’t going to change her mind, because the booze had shot that to shit.

Laney reached out and took Morgun’s hand. Morgun didn’t jerk it away. She searched the hallway with her eyes before taking a few steps and tugging Morgun behind her. Maybe Morgun was too stunned to pull away, or maybe she didn’t mind getting dragged, but either way she came willingly.

Laney tried the first handle. It was locked. She moved on to the second with a giggle and a heartbeat that echoed in her ears. Her body felt like it was on fire. The handle gave.

The room, whatever it was, was tiny and dark. So dark that as soon as Laney tugged Morgun in and shut the door, she could barely see a thing. Laney’s fingers deftly found the small lock under the handle and twisted it. In the dark, she turned, and Morgun was still there, her outline just visible. There was only a moment’s hesitation before they reached for each other, the darkness disappearing, the air disappearing, everything disappearing between them.

Chapter 11


Laney’s actions surprised Morgun. Then again, nothing about Laney was boring or predictable. She was starting to realize that the real Laney was hidden away under layers and layers. The real Laney was complex and unfathomable. Morgun didn’t know how to read her right up until the point she looked at her in the hallway, her eyes heavy lidded, but clear with desire. There was no mistaking it. The last thing Morgun expected was for Laney to grab her hand and propel her into some room down the hall. Or to lock the door. Or to kiss her.

She had to admit that she wouldn’t have thought that kissing Laney Sterling could be nice. But it was so much more than nice. Laney Sterling did not disappoint in the kissing department.

Laney pulled away first, coming up for air. Morgun inhaled so hard she worried her lungs might explode. She felt like the wind had been knocked clean out of her. There was a very real possibility that her nipples were so hard they were going to cut straight through her dress. The decision not to wear panties that morning wasn’t exactly the smartest idea, because she was throbbing south of the border. She could literally feel beads of moisture gathering and snaking down her thighs. She rubbed her legs together indiscreetly, but that only worsened the ache and soaked her dress.

Laney set her fingers on Morgun’s jaw and cupped her face tenderly. Morgun’s eyes had adjusted to the dark of the room and she could see the twin flames dancing in Laney’s dark eyes. She looked at Morgun with an expression that Morgun had never seen from Laney. It bordered on tenderness, but it was all mixed up with her kiss-swollen lips, huge eyes, and heavy breathing, so maybe it was hard to tell. Maybe Morgun was getting it wrong.

But then Laney brushed the side of her index finger over Morgun’s cheek, and the touch was so whisper soft and gentle that she knew she wasn’t imagining the tenderness and intimacy in it. That single touch caused a chain reaction to explode in Morgun. Laney might as well have been touching her everywhere else, because the throbbing got worse and she could practically smell her arousal.

Her body ached. Her blood surged. Her heart pounded wildly. Her brain checked out and her rationality and inhibitions were already taken care of by the alcohol. She wasn’t drunk, but she was definitely buzzed, and the fact that she and Laney were alone in a darkened room with a locked door didn’t bother her the way it should have.

In fact, it didn’t bother Morgun at all. She could think of a long list of things she’d like to do to Laney in that room, and telling her not to continue touching her and escaping from the room didn’t even get close to making it onto said list.

Morgun wanted to strip Laney’s clothes away one by one. She wanted to taste every inch of her skin. She wondered what Laney’s neck would taste like, her breasts, her belly, lower…

Laney let out a groan like she could either read Morgun’s mind or was on the exact same page of the exact same book. She grabbed Morgun around the waist and pulled her in close. Their bodies bumped against each other hard. Morgun groaned when she felt their pelvic bones grind together. She could feel the heat of Laney too. Everywhere. But especially when her legs parted, and she ground against Morgun. Morgun’s hands frantically tangled in Laney’s hair and she brought their mouths together again and kissed her desperately.

Laney kissed back furiously. They ground against each other and explored with their hands while their tongues went to war, stroking and igniting fire. Laney was amazing with her tongue and Morgun didn’t come up for air until her lungs were bursting. Her lips felt thick and full, swollen from the force of Laney’s kiss. She couldn’t remember ever being kissed like that.

She couldn’t remember ever still feeling starved for more after.

Laney dropped her head and cupped Morgun’s breast with her hand. She suckled her right through her dress and bra and the sensation was astounding. She might as well not have been wearing anything at all. Morgun trembled and shivered under Laney’s skilled hands. When Laney scraped her teeth over Morgun’s nipple, she felt it straight to her core.

When she lifted her head, Morgun nearly cried out and begged her for more. Her nipple throbbed. The cold air hit like a knife and everything echoed so much lower.

Laney steadied Morgun, grasping her around the waist again. She steered her through the darkened room and Morgun went helplessly, trusting Laney implicitly even though she knew, somewhere in this very dim recess of herself, that there was something about Laney Sterling that she wasn’t supposed to like.

Dislike seemed far away. Morgun couldn’t summon up any if she tried. Then her back hit a wall somewhere in the room, and Laney was sliding down her body, her hands at her waist, then at her thighs, then lower, at her calves and ankles, pushing up the thin, stretchy fabric of her dress.

How could she dislike Laney? There was nothing to dislike about the heated satin of Laney’s hand

s against Morgun’s legs. Burning up her calves. Her knees. Her thighs. Laney pushed up her dress until she was completely exposed.

Laney let out a gasp when she realized Morgun wasn’t wearing any panties, but she didn’t comment on it. She also didn’t hesitate. Laney held up the fabric of Morgun’s dress with one hand and guided Morgun’s legs apart with the other, opening her completely. Morgun moaned and writhed into Laney’s touch.

Morgun realized that she should be embarrassed. There should be some kind of hesitation going on in her mind. She was in some random room in an art gallery, at a wedding with people she didn’t even know.

This is an agreement. This isn’t part of the agreement. She didn’t want Laney to stop. She didn’t want her to stop any of it. So, what if it’s an agreement and this isn’t part of it? There’s always room for improvement on just about everything…