Page 98 of Friends Like This

I run downstairs and grab a pint of Sarah’s favorite ice cream and two spoons. As I settle back in bed, Sarah climbs back through the window, absolutely bawling.

“Come here,” I whisper.

“That was truly awful,” she says, lip quivering. “I decimated his heart. We both sobbed. And even though he said he doesn’t hate me, he said it’s gonna take a while before he can talk to me again.” She chokes on tears. “I feel like it’s all my fault. Like I’m not allowed to be upset. But just because I wasn’t in love with him like I should have been, doesn’t mean I didn’t care. He was everything,” she’s practically screeching. “It hurts so fucking much.” She leans against me and cries hysterically.

I slide my phone over and quickly send out a group text, letting everyone know what happened.

“It’s not your fault. You did the right thing. And you have every right to feel heartbroken. He was your first love. Your first everything. It’s been a long time and there are a lot of emotions twisted up in this. It’s okay to feel this way.”

She nods through her tears, opening the ice cream and taking a huge bite.

My phone rings and seeing that it’s Joel, I pick it up right away. They might not be exactly like Aaron and me, but it’s similar. And I know right now, Joel wants to support her as much as Sarah could use his support.

“Hey,” I whisper.

“Hi. How is she?”


“Two minutes,” he says, then hangs up.

‘Two minutes’ is pretty much our call sign. It’s our quick sign off, letting the other person know we’ll be right there. I have to say, I love that all my best friends are always two minutes away. I’m freaking lucky I grew up with all of them right here.We’relucky.

A moment later, my window slides open and Joel climbs in. He quickly takes off his jacket and shoes and climbs into bed on the other side of Sarah.

“Hey, babe,” he says softly, wrapping an arm around her. Joel has always called girls “babe.” Well, except for me. I’ve always been Rae Rae. He stopped calling Sarah that while she was with Trev out of respect for him. Now? He probably just wants to see her smile.

She leans against him and cries.

I take a moment to respond to the few texts I got back in our group text.

Mackie: Shittttt. Okay. Text me when a good time to come over is, and I will bring so many cookies.

Me: Love you, Macks.

Ace: That’s shitty. Tell her I love her.

Me: Will do. Thanks, Ace.

Miles: :( Love you Sarbear!!!!! I’m here to snuggle with if you need me!

Me: I’ll tell her. Love you, bud.

“Miles says he’s around to snuggle with if you need him,” I say.

Sarah laughs a little. “Tell him I won’t be his next hookup.”

I laugh and pick up my phone again.

Me: Sorry, Miles. She says she won’t be your next hookup.

Miles: Damn. Well. Had to shoot my shot. ;)

Miles: Seriously, though, she okay?

Me: She’ll get there. The humor helps. Talk later <3

“Can I get you anything?” I ask softly.