Page 73 of Friends Like This

He kisses my forehead. “I’d love to, but I promised I’d be home in time to see my little brother before bed. He’s obsessed with me right now and also bummed that I’ll be going to college soon, so he’s been guilt-tripping me.”

“That sounds kinda sweet, actually.”

“Yeah. Plus, I can sneak out whenever he goes to sleep.”

I raise my eyebrows and poke his chest. “Oh? And who are you sneaking out to see?”

He wraps his hands around my upper arms and smirks at me. “These days? No one. In fact, now what I do is sit at home and do all the homework I didn’t get done while I was with you.”

He sits down at the chest by the window and puts on his shoes, then he stands up and gives me one last sexy kiss.



“I’m sorry about earlier tonight.”

He smiles brightly. “Oh, I think we more than made up for it. Have a great night, babe.”

“You too. Bye.”

He gives me a little wave, then climbs out the window. Once he’s gone, I lock it behind him and collapse on my bed, hands over my heart, feeling fulfilled, sexy, and totally relaxed.

The boys are lucky.

Lucky I didn’t lose it on them last night.

Lucky I’m not plotting revenge.

Lucky I had a good night’s sleep and woke up feeling so relaxed this morning.

Or maybe it was the orgasm.

My heart flares thinking about the sexiness of last night.

But back to the boys.

I know I shouldn’t go in all hot-headed and start yelling. After thinking it through, I decide maybe I’ll try to talk to them individually, opting for Miles first. He is the most objective when it comes to me. Even though he has big opinions, he doesn’t have as much of a brother protectiveness with me as Joel does, and he doesn’t have theshe’s-my-personprotectiveness like Aaron. Maybe he’ll actually listen.

“So, what’s up?” Miles asks, plopping down on his bed as I lean against his closet door.

I narrow my eyes at him. “You can’t possibly be asking me that.”

He inhales sharply, then lets out a long breath. “Yeah. I know. Last night—”

“Was absolutely terrible. Seriously. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Because I know we like to give each other shit, Miles, but we aren’t mean to each other. And you were straight up nasty to Davey. All because of some preconceived notion you guys have about him.”

“It’s not preconceived. We’ve heard him talk—”

I hold up my hand. “I know. You have told me.Ad nauseam. But what I have told you—and what you don’t seem to hear—is that he’s not like that with me. It’s been two months. He’s not screwing around on me or trying to get in my pants. I set boundaries with him from the start. He knows if he breaks them, I’m done. He likes me. And he is good to me.”

Miles sighs and rolls his eyes like he doesn’t believe me.

“Wow. And here I thought coming to you would be best because you’re the most objective.”

“I can’t help it. I don’t trust him. You never know what he’s doing behind your back.”

My hands fly out in front of me, gesturing wildly. “First of all, we’re together a whole damn lot. Second, this is a small town and some of my best friends and my sister are the people who know everything. They’d know if he was cheating on me, and they’d tell me. But more than that, I trust him. I trust him not to do that. Which brings me to the final thing I need to say. It doesn’t matter if you trust him. What matters is that I do, and you should respect that.”