Page 47 of Friends Like This

“You guys have such a double standard,” I grumble.

“Rae—” Joel starts.

“No, you do! Because I’m the most romantic and emotional. Apparently, I can’t handle myself or date who I want without approval from the committee.” I get up from the table and grab my tray.

“Rae, wait. Come on—” Miles says.

But I walk away.

“Where are you going?” Aaron calls after me.

“To make a list of potential boyfriends to submit for your approval!” I sass back.

As I walk out of the lunchroom, I hear Sarah going off on them.

I toss my lunch, then walk toward the gym. That’s the annoying thing about being in school when you’re mad. There’s nowhere to go. I slide down against the wall in the hallway by the gym. I can hear the noise of people yelling and laughing inside, but I ignore it. I close my eyes and think of what Mackie’s mom always says during yoga,return to the breath. Quiet your mind.

I take a few deep breaths and try to do that.

I’m feeling slightly more calm when I feel someone slide down next to me.

I open my eyes and am surprised to see Davey sitting there.

He looks at me funny.

“You okay?”

“Uh, yeah, kinda. Mostly.”

Smooth, very smooth.

“I saw you yelling at your friends.”

“Yeah, I love them, but they can be real pains in my ass sometimes.”

A mischievous smile dances on his lips. “Sounds like you need some help to forget about whatever they said to make you mad.”

I laugh. “Yeah, probably. Got any ideas?”

I’m dreaming of wailing on a punching bag when he looks at me and says, “Maybe one.”

I turn to look at him, and as I do, he leans in and kisses me.

It starts out as a soft, open mouth kiss. And he’s a good kisser.


This is definitely making me forget.

Where we are, what’s going on, what I was angry about.

I was angry?

How could I have been?

I’msonot angry right now.

Then his tongue slides into my mouth, and despite not having had many real boyfriends in the past, I like to kiss and make out. I’ve done a lot of that. And I’ve heard I’m a good kisser, so I don’t miss a beat and immediately tangle my tongue up with his, which catches him off guard. And I love that.