Page 17 of Friends Like This

“I couldn’t sleep,” he says, reaching his fingers around my shoulder and twirling them in my hair. I smile when he does it and my heart leaps. I’m not sure if there will ever truly be something between Aaron and me, but when he does stuff like that, it makes me swoon. Just a little bit.

“I looked out the window and saw the stars. I wasn’t sure about coming over, but when I remembered it was your birthday, I knew I had to.”

“Well, I’m glad you did,” I say, running my hand over his cheek. It has the slightest amount of scruff, which catches me off guard. Sometimes I forget that our boys aren’t exactlyboysanymore. They’re getting bigger, more muscular, and kinda sexy. I mean, not Joel. Becauseew, it’s Joel. Objectively, Miles is sexy, with his wispy jet-black hair, those stunning green eyes, and now the muscular definition he’s getting everywhere. He’s only a freshman, but girls are into him. Like senior girls.

And Aaron. He was once the cute little boy I had a sweet puppy love with. Now we’re growing up. He’s still got that bright golden-blond hair, his perfect shimmery brown eyes, and now a beefy body to go with it. His muscles are popping out everywhere. I’m specifically noticing the thickness of the bicep my neck is tucked against. Let’s be honest, the boy ishot.

But in this moment, it’s his heart I notice more than anything, and that hasn’t changed. He’s still the boy who loves to see me happy and make me smile and looks at me like I’m the only person in the room. I got lucky with him. Not everyone gets to have somebody so awesome in their life.

He untangles his arm from under me and whispers, “We need to make our wishes.”

So we both lie back. His hand slides down and intertwines with mine.

We stare at the sky.

He points to a specific star, and though it’s hard to tell tonight, it seems that one might be the brightest.

“You first. Make a wish, birthday girl.”

I grin at him.

Then I close my eyes and take a big breath. When I open them, I let it out, and make my wish.

I wish Aaron and I will always look at the stars together on my birthday.

I squeeze his hand to let him know it’s his turn.

He closes his eyes, takes a big breath, opens them, lets it out, and stares at the sky.

He squeezes my hand and we turn to look at each other.

We stare into each other’s eyes for a moment.

His gaze is starting to feel intense.

Kind of like it was when he kissed me on Sarah’s thirteenth birthday.

Are we about to kiss?

It seems that way, because we’re slowly moving our faces closer together.

But before anything can happen, we hear, “Rae McKinley and Aaron Cooper,” come loudly out the window.

My dad sticks his head out as we both sit up.


I mean, probably not me. We are on my deck. But I’m guessing Aaron didn’t exactly ask permission to come over here.

“Inside, now,” Dad says.

Aaron and I exchange a glance and quickly get up. He grabs the comforter and heads for the window. I trail behind him, taking one last look at the perfect night sky.

“All right,” Dad says, when we’re both inside and sitting on the edge of the bed. “You want to tell me why you’re here at almost two in the morning, Aaron?”

“Uh, well, I saw how beautiful the stars were tonight, and Rae and I always make wishes on the brightest star. Especially on a cold night. Since it’s her birthday, I came over and thought we could make our wishes.”

“And that’s all?” Dad asks. And I know what he’s implying.