Page 13 of Friends Like This

Now, Jake might be popular, but that doesn’t mean I’m all that excited to kiss him. But hey, like I said, it’s Sarah’s birthday. It’s mandatory that I have fun.

Someone closes the door behind us.

Jake doesn’t move.

So, I stare at him, like,what’s going on.

“Sorry,” he says, “I don’t think we should kiss.”

“Um, okay. Why not?”

“You aren’t really my type.”

His type? What is this,Sex and the City? Not that Sarah and I have ever watchedSex and the Cityon HBO in the middle of the night. That would be inappropriate.

“So, what is yourtype?” I ask with a sneer.

“You know, I like someone thinner and prettier.”


I know I’m not the skinniest girl in class. I don’t have Mackenzie’s long, athletic body, her deep olive oil skin, or her sexy, dark brown curls. I have some fat on my stomach, but it’s still flat. But why should it matter even if it wasn’t? That shouldn’t mean I wouldn’t get kissed. Gosh people are so mean.

He probably wants to date Ashley James. She’s a grade above us and has a body like Mackenzie but beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes like Sarah. If that’s his version of pretty, sure, there’s no way I would measure up. I always thought I was pretty, but maybe we just think we are until the world tells us we don’t measure up to their dumb standards.

I stand by my previous stance that middle school sucks. At least no one is spreading rumors about me anymore. But still. There were mean kids and bullies in elementary school, but this is different. Now girls can bereallymean. And boys are… dumb sometimes.

I blink back hot tears. I willnotlet this dumb boy see me cry. I set my jaw and look at him angrily. We sit in total silence till the timer goes off. Then he walks out like he’s all victorious. I sneak away to the deck. It’s the perfect place to hide since it’s off limits for the party, and with the gate shut, only the five of them can find me. I don’t want to bother Sarah with this. It’s her party. I just need to let myself feel like crap for a few minutes.

The problem is, I can’t seem to get rid of the feeling. I keep looking down at my stomach, fidgeting with my brown hair, and feeling decidedlyunpretty.

“Why are you hiding up here?” Sarah asks, causing me to jump. The rest of them follow her up, and I try to wipe tears out of my eyes so they won’t see. But of course, they do.

“Why are you crying?” Sarah demands, wondering who she needs to kill.

Aaron sits down next to me. “Did Jake try something with you?”

I sniffle back a laugh. “No. Definitely the opposite.”

“But he said—” Miles begins, but I cut him off.

“Because he wanted to look cool. But he wouldn’t kiss me. He said I wasn’t pretty or thin enough for him.”

Joel scowls, then turns toward the stairs. “Okay, that’s it. I’m punching him.”

Mackie grabs his shoulder. “Wait a minute, let’s not go beating anyone up yet.”

Sarah sits down on the other side of me from Aaron. “You are gorgeous. He’s a jackass.”

“Am I really, though? Or do you guys have to say that because you’re my friends?”

Mackie laughs a little. “Dude, I can tell you that almost any guy here would be thrilled to go into the,” she sighs, “Love Shackwith you.”

I wrinkle up my face. I don’t believe her.

“She’s right,” Miles says. “I’m speaking objectively here, Rae. You’re cute, you’re pretty. And I know guys like you. Jake’s a jerk.”

Even Joel agrees. “Well, as your OG best friend who definitely sees you like his sister, even I can agree that objectively you are pretty.”