Page 6 of Friends Like This

“She’s working with Nick, Trev, and Hyla and using their gossip powers to track down who wrote what. She said she’ll handle the girls—”

“There’s stuff in the girls’ rooms, too?”

I nod.

“Like what?”

“Mostly saying that I’m a slut.”

He squeezes me tighter.

“I hate middle school,” I mutter. “Remember last year when everyone was friends and got along? Now, all of a sudden, there’s all the new kids from the other elementary school and everyone is mean to each other. I hate it all.”

He gently rubs my back. If I never had to leave his arms, I think I’d feel a lot better.

“We’re gonna figure this out together, I promise. Until then, I’m going to walk you to your classes and hold your hand and sit with you every chance I get.”

“Why?” I mumble into his chest.

“Because maybe if they think we’re really together, those rumors will fall apart. It’s all based on the idea that we’re messing around. If they think we’re together, it might not matter so much.”

I pull back a little and look up at him, eyes big. “You’d do that for me?”

He furrows his brow at me. “Don’t you know I’d doanythingfor you?”

I can’t help it. I melt a little bit when he says that. I’m not sure why. Sarah thinks Ilikehim. Mom says we have apuppy lovething, which is like love, but not the same. It’s confusing. I mean, I do love Aaron. And he is more than my best friend. But unlike the rumors suggest, it’s not like anything has ever happened between us. I mean, other than those little kisses under the slide.

Would I want to kiss him again?

I can’t even think about answering that question today.

I turn my focus back to Aaron. Because it’s never complicated when it’s just the two of us, focusing on each other. We’re best friends. And also more. We don’t worry about what it is… it just makes sense.

I give him a soft smile.

“Thanks, A. I love ya.”

“I love you too, pretty girl.”

I wake up the next morning to Sarah jumping on top of me.

“Sarah, why?”

She pulls the covers off me. “Because I know things.”

I rub my eyes and look at her, confused. “What things?”

“Things about people who write things in bathrooms.”

My eyes go wide. “You know who?”

“I have a few confirmed names and even some handwriting samples.”

“Jeez, you’re like a spy. So, what are you gonna do with that information?”

“Well, Mackie and I are already working up a plan to confront the two girls involved. As for the guys, I passed that information on to the boys to let them decide what to do with it.”

“Oh god,” I say, rubbing a hand over my face. “The boys are gonna start a fight or a full-fledged riot.”