Page 52 of Friends Like This

“All right then. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“Meet me at my house and we can walk, okay?”

“Even better.” I can’t help it. I smile a big stupid smile because I think I am starting tolikehim. “Hey, Rae?”


“Where’d we end up with the kissing?”

“You’ll find out tomorrow night,” I say. “Night, Davey.”


The last few nights have been fun hanging out with Davey. The first night, we walked to the ice cream place and fed each other ice cream. It was probably nauseating to anyone watching us, but we didn’t care. Then he decided he needed to taste more of my ice cream, so he shoved his tongue in my mouth. And, well, I didn’t complain.

The next night we went for a walk on a little nature trail and he pushed me up against a tree and kissed me until I couldn’t think.

Then, last night, we went for a drive. I was kinda wondering if he was gonna use it as an excuse to take me parking, but he didn’t. Well, at least not until I suggested it. First, we drove around, and he showed me the house he grew up in, and then he took me to a little country bakery where we got some cookies.Then,we went parking, and I surprised myself by climbing into his lap and kissing him like crazy. We stopped ourselves before we got carried away, but we had a lot of fun.

We also talked a lot about our lives and what we want to do and all kinds of stuff. I learned he wants to go to college in North Carolina near his cousins. He wants to study engineering. He has an older sister and a twelve-year-old brother. He loves baseball, which I obviously knew, and is hoping to play in college.

We talked about all kinds of little things and big things, including the elephant in the room… his reputation. He was incredibly honest with me about the fact that he’s dated more than one girl at once or cheated on them or said things he shouldn’t have or been a dick, and it surprised me. What surprised me more is that some of it, he wasn’t apologetic about. He said it helped him learn or it’s what he thought was okay in the moment. And some things he wasn’t worried about at all. I reminded him of my expectations and he was honest with me that he wanted… more with me. Not like sex. But talking. Having a real relationship. I think that’s new for him.

After all that talking, I’m starting to feel like I’ve known him a lot longer than three days. I mean, I knew him before, but I didn’tknowhim.

Tonight is our first official date, but he won’t tell meanything.

I haven’t told the boys anything about Davey. I haven’t mentioned his name. But then I haven’t talked to them much because I’m still pissed at them, so I’m just existing when they’re around, not engaging with them. Which is probably why Aaron has been texting me nonstop, asking if I’m okay and getting annoyed at me when I say I’m fine.

My phone vibrates.

Speak of the devil.

Ace: Are you sure you’re okay? You haven’t seemed like yourself this week.

Me: Don’t you have a date tonight?

Ace: Yeah… but… you’re important to me, too.

Why does he have to be sweet when I’m cranky with him?

Me: Well then, maybe next time I consider dating a guy you don’t like, you should give me the benefit of the doubt and not be such a jerk about it.

Ace: Sorry I care.

Me: Have fun on your date tonight.

Ace: What are you doing tonight?


Well, notdoinghim. But I am having dinner with him. And probably will be kissing him plenty.

Me: Nothing big.

Yeah, okay, I know… I’m lying. But I’m not ready to tell him yet. I want to enjoy tonight.

To that end, I shove my phone in my purse and head downstairs without waiting for any further response from Aaron.