Page 50 of Friends Like This

Me: ;)

Joel tries to look over my shoulder, but I turn my phone screen off.

“Who ya texting?” Joel asks.

“None of your damn business,” I say to both of them, shooting them a glare.

“Ooh, she’s still pissed at us,” Miles says.

I grab my phone and fire off one more text.

Me: Pay attention in class, children.

Then I put my phone away and focus on the front of the room.

Both of their phones go off.

They read my text and both grumble at me, which makes me smile to myself.


“So, are you gonna give me any further intel on this Davey situation?” Sarah asks on the car ride home.

“Only if you don’t tell the boys.”

She shakes her head. “You’re pissed at them, aren’t you?”

“I love them, but I’m strong, Sarah. I’m not helpless. Yes, I’m emotional, but I can handle myself. And just because I’m emotional doesn’t mean it all comes out in tears. Today it wanted to come out in punches.”

She laughs. “You are strong as hell, Rae baby. And I promise they will find out nothing from me. Sister privilege.”

I roll my eyes and laugh a little. “Okay, well after I stormed out of the lunchroom—thanks for yelling at them, by the way—I was sitting in the hallway trying to calm the hell down, when Davey came over to me.”

Her eyes get big. “And?”

“We kissed. And then we really kissed. Like full tongue-in-mouth, making out kind of kissing. It was hot and sexy. Then we had an interesting conversation. He was nervous around me, and he admitted it. He told me he was going to ask me to homecoming but decided he couldn’t wait and wanted to take me out this weekend.”

“And what did you say?”

“Well, he was genuine with me and sweet when I was in a bad mood. I told him in no uncertain terms that I won’t play games. I set some ground rules, especially regarding sex—even though he seemed sincerely upset when I implied that’s why he was asking me out. He agreed happily to every condition I had, and I reminded him if he breaks one, I’m out. He was still interested, so I said yes. Then we exchanged some very flirty texts, and he’s supposed to call me tonight.”

“Rae baby! That’s exciting. And cute. The boys are so…” she huffs. “They overreact about everything.” She pulls into the driveway of the family I nanny for. “Well, I look forward to hearing about the phone call later. Have some fun with it. You deserve to.”

“Thanks, baby. Okay, I gotta go get prepped for the little mongrels to get off the bus. I’ll see you later.”

She gives me a wink and a nod as I shut the door and head for the house.

I got home a little after six. After shoving leftovers in my face and taking a quick shower, I collapsed on my bed. I got most of my homework done while the kids I babysit were doing theirs. But then they ran me around the house playing dress up and tag. Now I’m so tired I can barely keep my eyes open.

I’m shocked when my phone rings at seven on the dot.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Hi,” Davey says, and I can feel that cocky smile through the phone. “Is this weird?” he asks.

I giggle. Yes, giggle. “Kinda, but it’s nice.”

“So how was babysitting?” he asks me. “How old are the kids?”