Page 46 of Friends Like This

“Davey Edwards,” Aaron says with a smirk. A know-it-all smirk. The kind that makes me want to smack him. At least when he directs it at me.

“Before Chemistry, too,” Mackie says, sitting down next to me.

Both Joel and Miles groan.

“Don’t do it, Rae,” Miles says.

“Excuse you. Why the hell shouldn’t she?” Sarah demands.

“He’s the kind of guy who brags about the girls he’s slept with or openly talks about dating two different girls at the same time,” Joel says.

“Miles will sleep with whatever hot girl is willing to show off her underwear. Are we really gonna do this?” I ask.

Trevor sits down between Sarah and Miles and raises his eyebrows.

“Dude, I’m only sitting next to you and I felt that burn.” Then he turns to Sarah and kisses her neck before huskily whispering, “Hey, babe.”

Sarah smiles and snuggles into him. But my enjoyment of their cuteness is interrupted by Miles’s voice.

“Yes, I sleep with girls, but I don’t throw their names around like they were a prize,” Miles says, unfazed by my sass.

“Okay, first of all, you don’t know everything about everything just because you spend some time with him during baseball season,” Sarah says. “She can date whomever she wants.”

Thank you, I mouth.

“All we’re saying is you’re not a conquest, Rae,” Aaron says.

“Oh my god! For the second time today, he flirted with me. He didn’t ask me to marry him and have his babies. I don’t know if I want to date him or anything else, but if I do, that’s up to me, not you guys, and you should trust that I can handle myself.”

“We do trust you. We don’t trust him,” Joel says.

“That’s such bullshit. Are you that concerned that he’s gonna physically harm me? Is there something I should know?”

“Who the fuck are we talking about?” Trevor asks.

“Edwards,” Aaron answers with disdain.

“Oh,” Trevor says. “Why are you all flipping out? He’s not a bad dude. He can be a dick sometimes, sure. Honestly, I think he pisses guys off with his ego more than girls, but he wouldn’t pressure her or anything like that. He’s notthatkind of a dick. I wouldn’t say they’re a great match, but there’s a hell of a lot worse guys out there. You guys are so fuckin’ overprotective sometimes.”

I smile at Trevor. “Thanks, Trev.”

He shoots me a wink.

“Listen, we’re just saying that maybe he’s not the best guy for you to date,” Aaron says.

“And since when do you get to decide that? Or have any say in that? Or think that you get to give me shit about it? You don’t give a shit about who anyone else goes out with.”

“Because no one else is looking for a heart-stopping romance,” Miles says with an eye roll.

I roll my eyes back at him, then grin.

“Really? Not even Joel?”

Joel smacks my arm. “Rude.”

“No, we expect that he’s going to get his heart broken and we’ll have to get him drunk and clean up the mess,” Miles deadpans.

“Ruder,” Joel says to Miles, who shrugs in response.