Page 44 of Friends Like This

“You’re such an ass. Andyouhave a date.”

“Fine. But there’s gotta be someone better.”

“Will you relax? He said I looked cute, not that he wanted tomarry me,” I say pointedly.

“Fine, fine,” he says, putting his hands out in front of him. “I give up.”

“Perfect, thank you.” I grin at him. But he still looks a little perturbed. I roll my eyes a little and grab at his arm. “Ace…” I pout.

He pokes my lip with his finger but visibly softens either from the pout, me calling him Ace, or both. “Put that away,” he says. “It’s fine, I promise.”

“Good,” I say, “because I’m a big girl and I can make my own decisions.”

“Or your own mistakes,” he mutters.

I shove his arm as the warning bell rings.

“You know, I’m about to make a decision right now,” I say, grabbing my bag off the floor and walking toward the door.

“What’s that?” he asks, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

“I’m thinking of not talking to you.”

“Oh please,” he says, throwing his arm over my shoulders, “you love me too much to stop talking to me.”

I narrow my eyes at him and give him another little pout. He’s right. I could never stop talking to him, but that doesn’t mean I won’t give him some shit.

I shove my finger into his side, between his ribs, causing him to jump and laugh.

He smiles at me, but then narrows his eyes and throws his arm around my shoulders again, squeezing me tight against him.

“Sorry, Beautiful, you’re stuck with me.”

I shake my head.

“We’re stuck with each other.”

After class, I say goodbye to Aaron since we have to head in separate directions, then make my way to the science wing.

As I’m walking toward the stairs, I notice Davey leaning against a wall. I walk by him but a second later I hear, “Hey, Rae!”

I’m shocked to see Davey has fallen into step with me.

Was he waiting?

For me?

“Um, hi, Davey. What’s up?”

Okay, seriously, you hang out with hot guys all the time. I mean, granted, they’re mostly ones you’ve known since they were five, but still, you should not be this tongue-tied around a guy.

“Not much. I uh—” he stutters for a second, looking me over.

Wait, is he nervous too?

“Don’t take this the wrong way,” he says, “but I never noticed you before. Until recently.”

I don’t know why, but the fact that he seems unsure of himself makes me a lot more comfortable.