Page 43 of Friends Like This

But I mean, I don’t want to be forever, right?

Who am I kidding? He’s a hot senior. I’m a junior who mostly hangs out with guys. I doubt he has any interest in me or thinks I’m available.

Plus, the whole cocky thing makes him seem like hemightbe kind of an asshole.

Hey, every girl needs to date one at some point, right?

Ugh, I cannot believe I just thought that.

What is wrong with me?

Oh shit, he’s coming over here.

And he’s staring at me.

No. Who cares? You don’t want to date that guy.

But then he flashes a sexy smile.

And maybe I do.

“Hey Cooper, what’s up, man?”

They fist bump.

“Not much man, you?”

“Nothin’.” He looks me over. And by looks me over, I mean he checks. Me. Out. And Aaron notices. Then scrunches up his face. But Davey grins and then licks his lips, which makes something heat up inside me. Finally, he says, “Rae, right?”

“That’s me.”

That’s me?

Cool. Sound more lame. Honestly.

But he doesn’t seem to mind.

He leans in closer and says, “You look cute today.” Then he gives me a wink, slaps Aaron on the shoulder, and walks away.

Aaron almost immediately rolls his eyes.

“What, you’re allowed to have a date and I’m not allowed to be amused when a guy flirts with me?”

“No, but you said it. Marisol is nice.”


“Davey can be kind of a douche. You deserve better than that. Why don’t you date someone nice? Like Matt Moreau?”

“He has a girlfriend.”

“Or Greg.”

“Has been in love with Jenny since they were in kindergarten.”

“Or me,” he says playfully, giving me a sultry look.

Now I roll my eyes and give him a shove.