Page 4 of Friends Like This

Chapter two

I Hate Middle School

6th Grade


Like, really, really hate it.

It’s one big sea of attitude and drama and hormones and way too much perfume and cologne.

Maybe I should consider homeschooling.


I’m done with this.

“I don’t think it’sthatbig of a deal,” Sarah says to me.

Not that big of a deal?!

They’re writing rumors about me in the bathroom stalls. It’s a big deal.

Mackie smacks her arm.

“Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean it’s okay.”

“I’m not saying I don’t care, but I don’t think that some girls writing in stalls that you love Aaron is that big of a deal.”

I stare at her.

“Sarah,” I barely get out as tears rush to my eyes.

She furrows her brow. “What?”

“That’s not all it was,” Mackie sighs.

Sarah’s eyes get big.

“In one of the girls’ bathrooms, there was something about Rae being a slut and not being a virgin anymore. And in one of the guys’ bathrooms, they wrote—” she pauses and looks at me, like she doesn’t want me to have to hear it again.

“What? What does it say?” Sarah asks sharply, suddenly much more pissed off.

“It talks about me being easy and lists some sexual things I’ve supposedly done with Aaron.”

Sarah’s eyes get huge.

“I’m gonna kill them,” she says.

“Who?” I ask. “We have no idea who did it.”

“Oh please, there are always ways to find out things like that,” Sarah insists. “I’ll talk to Hyla and Nick and Trevor and we’ll find out,” she says, referring to Trevor Matteny—who Sarah definitely has a crush on—his best friend Hyla Montgomery, and our friend Nick Ardito. They are known as the gossip train. “This is what we do. We’re in the know.”

I shake my head as more tears come.

“Think Mom will buy it if I say I’m sick tomorrow?”

“You don’t usually lie about it, so probably.”