“Oh my god!” we all shout together.
Hyla is Trevor’s best friend and someone we’ve all been friends with since we were little kids. Trevor and Hyla and their best friends, Greg and Jenny, run in the same circle as us and our friend groups hang out a lot, especially since Sarah and Trevor have been dating.
“Yeah,” Mackie says with a grin.
“See, same Mackie, no matter who you wanna screw,” Sarah says as we all laugh.
“I’m glad you told us,” I say.
“How long have you been feeling this, like for sure?” Miles asks.
“A few months.”
Miles crawls over to Mackie and pulls her into his arms. “I wish you would’ve told us sooner, but I’m glad we know now.”
I raise my beer up. “Okay, time for a toast. Here is to our parents letting us drink beer, the end of a badass vacation, all the things we’ve learned during the course of this game, and our friendship.”
“Cheers!” everyone yells as we clink our bottles together.
After a night of board games, card games, talking, laughing, and giving each other hell, we all pass out on the couch.
Just after five-thirty, my alarm goes off, a reminder to head out to the beach.
Every morning that we’ve been here, I’ve gone out to the beach for the sunrise. There’s something about the gray of early morning and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore that makes me feel at peace. As I make my way to the sliding door that leads outside, it opens and Jesse walks in.
Jesse is Joel’s older brother by two years. They also have two other brothers, but they’re in college now andway too coolto come on a family trip, let alone hang out with us. Not that I mind. Jonathan, who is two years older than Jesse, is quiet and reserved anyway. And Jared, the oldest, is a complete asshole. Don’t get me wrong, all the Wilkinson boys have a bit of asshole in them, but Jared is all asshole and nothing else.
And Jesse? Oh, Jesse. Jesse is a smooth, sorta cocky, completely charming asshole. He looks a little like Joel, but not a lot. His hair is lighter and more of a dirty blond. It’s also shaggy. He has freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheeks, and his eyes are more green than Joel’s. But he has the signature Wilkinson boy troublemaking grin.
He flashes it at me the second he walks through the door.
And the tiniest flutter happens in my stomach. It’s not that I’m into Jesse or anything, but he’s hot and funny. And annoying as hell. This vacation has tested the limits of what I’ll put up with when it comes to him, but he’s flirty, and I do love to flirt.
“Someone’s up late,” I say as he saunters over to me.
“And you’re up nice and early.” He gives my hair a little flip, and I swat at his hand.
“Oh, you know, sunrise and all that. Where have you been?” I ask like I don’t know exactly what he’s been doing.
He smirks at me. “A man has needs, Rae.”
I roll my eyes. I’m sure he’ll be getting all his needs met when he starts college next week. “You’re lucky we covered for you.”
“Aw, is someone jealous?”
I hold my hand to my heart and dramatically say, “You caught me. I am so jealous. I mean, really J, you wound me. I’m right here and you’re hooking up with someone else?”
He runs his thumb over his bottom lip and cocks his head. “You know if you want a kiss, Rae Rae, all you have to do is say so.”
I roll my eyes and brush past him, walking toward the door.
“Hey, I’m serious, you know.”
I turn back to look at him. “Oh, I know you are. That’s why I’m not saying anything.” I turn back toward the door, but as I’m walking away, I say, “For now.”
I hear him chuckle as I step outside. Finally alone.
I make my way down to the beach and sit quietly, taking in the early morning air. Something feels magical here, like anything could happen, and I’m sad to leave it behind.