Page 31 of Friends Like This

He gives me his troublemaking smile.

“I dare you to try to bring us some alcohol,” he says.

Oh boy. This isn’t gonna go well. But I won’t back down from a challenge.

“Fine,” I say, rising from my seat. “I’ll be back.”

When I get to the top of the stairs, all the parents are sitting around the dining room table, laughing and drinking wine. There’s no way I could take anything past them without them seeing it. So, I decide that since it’s the last night of vacation, there’s no reason not to go for it.

I wander toward the parents.

“Hi honey,” Dad says. “What are you kids up to tonight?”

“Well, we’re playing truth or dare. And, um, I was dared to bring down some alcohol,” I say, locking eyes with him, letting him know I’m seriousandthat I’m asking.

Dad raises his eyebrows and the parents look between each other. Everyone shrugs.

“As long as you do not leave this house and do not think this is permission to do this again and do not think you can take anymore tonight… you can have a beer each,” Dad says.

I stare at him, dumbfounded for a second. Then I stutter out. “Uh, thanks—okay—we’ll uh… be good. Thanks.”

I run to the fridge, grab six beers, and haul ass downstairs before they can change their minds.

When I get downstairs and set them on the table, they all look at me with surprise.

“Seriously?” Aaron asks.

“Parent-approved. I think they’re a little wine drunk, but it was made clear this is a one-time thing.”

Miles fist bumps me. “Damn, kid, nice going.”

“Speaking of which,” I say, opening my beer, “it’s your turn.”

“Dare,” he says. And I wasn’t expecting anything else. So, I don’t even have to think about it, because I already knew what I was going to ask him. It’s why I sat next to him.

“Then you might want to chug some of that. Because Idareyou to go skinny dipping in the ocean. Right. Now.”

Miles groans, but he gives me a proud smile.

“Ugh. I hate you. But I also love you, Rae McKinley,” he says with a laugh. He loves that I know how to give him hell as well as he does to the rest of us.

I give him a little wink, then clap my hands. “Choppity, choppity.”

“Fine, fine, somebody get me a towel. I will be naked in the ocean, but not before.” He shakes his head and smirks at me. “You’re just doing this so you can see my naked body, aren’t you?”

“You’ve figured me out,” I say with a laugh. “I wanna see what you’remade of.”

Don’t get me wrong, Miles is hot. All the boys are. Especially now that they’re starting to fill out. Well, Miles and Aaron are. Hot that is. I guess Joel, objectively speaking, is too. That’s what I hear other girls say. They like his abs and his lean but muscular body.

Oof. No. I’m gagging. Cannot think about Joel like that.

Back to Miles. I’m not attracted to him at all, but like you might admire a hot guy on a poster, Miles is good looking. His abs are filling in. His arms are getting more buff by the day. His green eyes are piercing. His black hair swoops down by his eyes in just the right way. It’s no wonder girls like him. A lot.

He goes into the bathroom and comes back out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

“All right, I’m ready.”

We all stand at the sliding doors that lead out to the deck and down to the beach. We watch him run out, and at the last second, he drops his towel before he runs into the ocean. Naked. We all hoot and holler. He runs back out, wraps the towel back around his waist and trots back to the house, taking a little bow as he gets to us.