Page 20 of Friends Like This

“Fine, let me think about it.”

Just then, a senior, Ryan Hastings, wanders toward my locker. I don’t know him. I mean, I kinda do. He’s been on baseball teams with the boys over the years. But he’s a player. I know this. It’s not rumors. It’s reputation. One he’s happy to have. I also know, from girls I trust, he likes to find hotvirgins.

Yep, that’s right. Virgins. Because he loves to take their virginities. And then never call them again. Basically, he’s a pig, and I want nothing to do with him.

I look at Trevor with pleading eyes, but he sticks his tongue out at me. Like leaving me with this womanizing senior is somehow payback for me giving him shit. The asshole.

“Keep thinking of those ideas. I’ll see you in math, Rae,” he says with a wink.

“I hate you!” I call after him.

“Hey there,” Ryan says, sauntering up to my locker.


I look around. Looking for someone,anyoneto save me. I’d take literally anyone at this point. But there’s no one. So I answer. Cause what else am I gonna do?

“Uh, hey,” I say, trying not to be rude, but also not to seem too interested.

“You’re Rae, right? Seen you around with some of the baseball guys.” He looks me up and down, then inhales sharply and forcefully exhales. “You’re hot.”

A warm arm wraps around my lower back, a tingle goes up my spine, and the most calming voice in the world says, “Yeah, I think so, too.”

I try not to smirk as Aaron kisses my cheek.

“What’s up, babe?” he says in a smooth, sexy voice.

And I could seriously kiss him, likereallykiss him for that. Because he is absolutely saving my ass.

Ryan’s eyes go wide, but then he narrows them.

“Hadn’t heard you two were dating…” he says, obviously trying to catch the lie.

So, I decide I need to sell it. I giggle, then wrap my arms around Aaron’s neck. I give Ryan a cursory glance and then say softly, like I’m saying it to Aaron, but loud enough for Ryan to hear, “I thought we were keeping it to ourselves for a bit.”

He leans even closer to me and says, “Well, I couldn’t let some other guy ask my girl to the dance.”

Ryan is still looking us over like he doesn’t believe us. I don’t know what he’s trying to prove. I mean, if he thinks we’re pretending, then he should get that I’mnotinterested in going with him, but whatever. I guess we’re gonna have to sell it. And there’s only one good way to do that.

“Does that mean I get to kiss you in the hallway?” I ask Aaron. And I mean it seriously, because I don’t wanna shove my mouth on his if he isn’t okay with it.

He grins at me. A troublemaking grin that causes a strange sensation in the lower regions of my body. Namely, certain areas are melting. We may be best friends, but I can fully admit, the boy is hot as hell when he wants to be. “Oh, I think that’s the best part of it,” he says, running his tongue over his bottom lip.

I flare my eyes at him ever so slightly and his smile widens.

I shake my head and say, “Finally,” before launching my lips at his.

Our mouths touch in a sexy, open mouth kiss. No tongues, but it feels a little naughty. If any of our friends saw this, they’d lose their shit.

“Well then,” Ryan says, “you all enjoy the dance. Maybe I’ll see ya there.” He pats Aaron’s back and gives him a wink, like he’s now no longer interested in me, but is proud of Aaron because he thinks we’re having sex.


Wouldn’t be the first time. At least we’re almost sixteen now.

We pull our lips apart once he’s gone, but I stay in Aaron’s arms, squeezing him tightly.

“You saved my ass, Ace. I can’t thank you enough.”