Page 19 of Friends Like This

Chapter five

A Hot Commodity

10th Grade

It’sofficiallyValentine’sweek.Valentine’s Day is on Wednesday and Winter Formal is on Friday night. Which means, all week long people are going to be getting asked in adorable ways and being sent bouquets of flowers as part of a last-minute fundraiser for the dance and to tell people you like them or want to be with them or whatever.

And the romantic in me loves this crap. But the girl who does not have anyone she’s remotely interested in going to the dance with or celebrating Valentine’s Day with is very over it. Because, seriously, I am not crushing on anyone. At all.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect day for a romantic like me to get all crushed out on some boy who I won’t even want to speak to in two weeks. I mean that’s what Joel, Mr. Romance, is doing with—I’ll be honest, I don’t even remember who but—some girl and he’s having a great time. But most of the guys I think are cute or would be interested in, have girlfriends, and the guys leftover I either don’t know, do know and definitely don’t want to date, or are sketchy slash only want sex. So, I’m grumpy. I don’t really care about having a date to the Formal. I mostly care that I’m missing out on all the romantic stuff.

It’s right before first period and I’m making my way to my locker. I walked in with Sarah this morning, but she and Trevor needed to have a very important meeting of the lips—and tongues—in the lobby, and I didn’t need to witness that.

I glance around the halls and I see so much lovey-dovey cuteness. It makes me want to gag.

I look over and see Miles. He’s leaning against the locker of some junior girl and smiling—actually, make thatsmoldering—while chatting with her. She’s clearly into it, but hasn’t said yes to him yet. I assume he’s asking her to the Formal.

So, I put on a flirty smile, strut over, put my hand right on his bicep, and give it a little squeeze.

“Hey, Miles,” I say in a sexy voice.

He gives me a quick glance and a small nod. “Hey.”

“I’ll see you later?” I ask, my tone turning flirty.

“Yeah, sure,” he answers, followed by the slightest wink.

“Great, can’t wait.” I squeeze his bicep one last time for effect, then turn and head down the hall toward my locker.

As I walk away, I notice the girl move in a step closer to Miles and run her hand down his arm.

I smile to myself. Hopefully, mission accomplished.

I pull open my locker and start grabbing my necessary books.

Sarah and Trevor walk over to the lockers being nauseatingly cute. Trev and I have math together first period, so he and Sarah say a PDA-filled goodbye as if he’s going off to war, and then he turns to me.

“I need help.”

“Extricating my sister’s tongue from your throat?”

“No,” he says, elbowing my arm as I close my locker. “Asking her to Formal. I need a cute idea.”

“You should ask Joel. This is his area of expertise. If anyone knows how to woo a girl, it’s him.”

“Yeah, like I want Wilkinson to be my Cyrano.”

I stare at him, surprised by the reference.

“Hey, don’t look at me like that. I paid attention in English.”

“Uh huh,” I nod, leaning against my locker.

“I want to ask her in a cute way. I love it because she never expects that shit, but she always enjoys it when I do it.”

“Ask her after you have sex. You know she’ll say yes,” I say with a smirk.

“Ha ha. But seriously, Rae, please…”