Page 14 of Friends Like This

“Um. Thanks?” I look over at Aaron, who is avoiding my glance and has a sheepish look in his eyes.

I elbow him lightly in the ribs.

“Come on, A,” Sarah says, “tell her whatyouthink.” She knows he’ll probably have the strongest opinion on this topic. She also knows I’ll be most likely to believe what he tells me.

“Well,” he begins, “I know I promised to tell you that you’re pretty every single day, but I can’t do that.” And I’m not sure where he’s going with this because he calls mepretty girlall the time. I’m almost starting to feel a little bit mad, but he gives me a soft, sweet look and continues, “Because you’re beautiful. And I’m gonna tell you every day so you never forget.”

I stare at him. That was super sweet, and it makes me even more thankful that he’s my best friend.

Miles grins. He’s no stranger to charm. He knows how smooth that was. Sarah and Mackie look at Aaron like,awww. And Joel rolls his eyes. “Gross.” He pauses. “Now seriously, when do I get to hit this guy?”

“Ooh,” Sarah says, a devilish smile growing on her face, “I have an idea.”

Which is to start a fight club. Which is another thing we definitely have not seen because it would also be very inappropriate.

Pleased with herself, she, Mackie, Joel, and Miles leave to go start a fight club, I guess.

Aaron stays behind with me and when they’re gone, he looks me right in the eyes, leans in, and kisses me.

Open mouth.

And then I open my mouth and kiss him back a little bit. Something magical and electric rushes through my body.


We keep kissing, his hand gently wrapping around my back. Our mouths stay open, but our tongues stay tucked away inside our mouths. It’s our lips doing all theincrediblework.

My heart is pounding.

Aaron is kissing me.


He pulls away and smirks at me.

I shake my head at him.

He looks like he might say something, but I don’t let him.

I grab him by the shirt and kiss him.

He’s surprised for a second but immediately melts into it.

His hand slides up into my hair.

Oh my god.

Maybe now I get why Sarah was into this wholeLove Shackidea. Kissing like this is fun.

And it feels amazing.

I don’t want to stop.

But if I don’t, I think I might stay here on the deck kissing him all day. Which might be noticed.

And it might get us in trouble.

Maybe a little bit more first.