Page 134 of Friends Like This

I look between the two of them.

That sounds likeexactlywhat’s happening.

I squeeze my arms tighter against my chest.

I’m not ready for this.

“I’m not ready for this,” I say out loud. “It’s too big a risk.”

“Opening your heart is always a risk,” Gram says. Then she looks at Grandpa and smiles. “But it comes with the best rewards.”

She stands up and looks lovingly at Grandpa. He reaches over and gives my arm a squeeze. “All I’m saying is, don’t waste your minutes. You never know how many you’re gonna get. Life’s too short to hide your heart.” He winks at me and rises from his chair, walking away with Gram, his hand nestled with hers.

I always wanted the love story, right?

No. This is crazy.

It’s too much.

And my head and heart start the war again.

“Hey, over here,” Aaron calls as I walk into the clearing with Sarah and Joel. Aaron is sitting alone on a blanket. Mackie and Miles are sitting nearby, talking with Trevor and Hyla. It’s funny that all my school friends have even come to know this place. It makes sense with Miles, Joel, Mackie, and Aaron, but everyone else being here too is kinda funny. It shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, though. My grandpa seems to know everyone in town. And I know for a fact that my grandparents and Trevor’s grandparents are friends.

Sarah, Joel, and I sit down on the blanket with Aaron. Quickly, Aaron repositions himself, sitting behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulls me flush against him, like we were on the beach in Charleston. Right before we kissed.

My heart pounds. Because all I can think right now is that I want to kiss him again.

Joel and Sarah are right there.

But,friendly kisses, right?


I lean back, turn my head to the side, and look up at him. His eyes meet mine and our lips gently brush together. There’s hardly any pressure, but it sends tingles radiating up and down my spine. I pull away quickly and look forward, my heart racing.

And then the ever-present question rolls through my mind again.

What am I doing?

I have got to figure my shit out.

Aaron’s arms wrap a little tighter around me, and I decide, for tonight, to let it all go. I rest my head against his shoulder—feeling the relaxation, safety, and comfort I always feel in his arms—and enjoy the fireworks.

Last night might have been beautiful, but today is a true New York kind of day. It’s absolutely pouring. Our area is one of the cloudiest and rainiest places in the country, even rivaling the Pacific Northwest. Another clap of thunder comes as I sit on the screened-in porch, surrounded by the humidity and smell of warm rain. I love having an enclosed porch to sit on and enjoy rainy days.

“Hey, kiddo,” Dad says, coming to sit next to me.

“Hey, Dad. What’s up?”

He shrugs. “Not a lot. Not exactly a great day for being festive. What about you?”

“Just enjoying the rain.”

“You haven’t seemed like yourself lately.”

I stifle a laugh and look at him. “Did you and Mom do rock-paper-scissors to see who had to come talk to me about it?”

He squints at me, holding back a smile. “Well, you still have your sass. I wanted to be sure you’re okay. Are you? After your breakup with Davey and all?”