Chapter Sixteen
Sender: Luke Maxwell
Subject line: Competition Project
My heart rate accelerated. I felt a small tremor in my body as I opened the email. It happened every time I had an email from Luke. This man was sneaking into my heart.
I anticipated that moment when he’d bring up our last night together, but so far, every email was professional and to the point. That was great because I had to prepare several things for the competition. I had no time for his delectable distractions.
I was going to use Charles’s project for the competition. Luke told me I could design a proposal for Charles based on his specs. Of course, I could make a spinoff of the original plan specifically for the competition, and Luke could decide on the final design for Charles. So, since coming back from the trip, I threw myself into research as well as making a pitch.
Tomorrow, I was going to have a Zoom call with the competition committee and present to them the idea. In the email they’d sent me were all the details about the call. They also mentioned there would be a virtual get-together with a few other participants. I wasn't looking forward to that. I found Zoom socializing to be awkward at best.
While I replied to Luke’s email, my phone buzzed with an incoming message. Nina kept bugging me to meet, but I barely had time for a break for myself. After a day at work, I was completely spent in the evening. That didn’t keep her from texting me, though.
Nina: Fine. If you won't meet up for drinks, then please text me details about the trip.
The woman was relentless. I replied between breaks.
Megan: I like him a lot, but he's my boss. And I’m not ready for a relationship.
She answered right away.
Nina: You said you didn’t want a relationship after what happened with Carson anyway.
That was true. I had said that. I was twenty-six. It was my time to let loose. But I didn’t feel like it. I’d never been a party animal, that’s for sure. I’d been ready to settle down when I met Carson. Ever since I was a kid, I’d been responsible. My aunt used to say I was the best-behaved teenager. Truthfully, I’d always felt like I was a bit of a burden to her, so I tried hard not to get into trouble. She never made me feel that way—Aunt Dana would give me the very best of everything—but I knew if she hadn’t taken me in and raised me, her life would have been much easier.
Nina: Maybe your boss wants some fun, nothing more.
Megan: Nina... I need to focus on the interview.
Nina: Fine, we’ll revisit this conversation afterward.
I laughed. That was so like Nina. She never took no for an answer.
I put my phone away and got back to work. I had a pitch to prepare for tomorrow. I spent the entire day on it at the office, and when I went home, I went through it a couple more times.
On Thursday morning, I was nervous. Everyone at the office knew my interview was today. Luke was taking the whole team to lunch to celebrate that we’d won two more pitches; these jobs would bring in a healthy amount to our company’s bottom line. I was sad that I couldn’t go with them, but they’d booked the restaurant before I got my interview time. On the bright side, I had the floor to myself.
At noon, everyone left. My interview started at twelve thirty. I clicked around aimlessly in my inbox, clearing up emails, waiting for the time to pass. I couldn’t focus on anything. At twelve fifteen, I received an email from Luke.
It simply saidGood luck today.
I replied right away.
Thank you.
The next email popped up in a few minutes. It was titled “Next Steps.” I figured it had to be related to the internship. I'd carefully read the plan for this month, so I knew we had quite a lot of work ahead of us. I gasped when I opened the email itself. It only contained two lines:We have an unresolved conversation topic from the trip. We should address it.
The temperature in my entire body seemed to increase in a matter of seconds. I bit my lip, unsure what to type back. A little part of me was also unsure if he really meant us, or if it was work-related again, or if I was just making it out to be more than it was.
I decided to be honest and led with that, replying,I'm not sure I know what you mean.
My phone vibrated next with an incoming message. Adrenaline spiked my blood. It was definitely personal if he didn't want to use the work email. I suppose HR or anyone else could have access to them. I wasn't sure how this all worked, to be honest.