Page 49 of Kiss Me Forever

Chapter Thirteen


Ifelt like the world'sbiggest asshole.

"Man, what happened?" Travis asked.

"Nothing. I need to go upstairs."

Nodding, he took a step back. I headed straight upstairs, taking the elevator. I'd seen the number of her room when we filled out our forms at reception. I needed to apologize. I didn’t know what the fuck I was thinking, talking to her like that. It had been a douchebag thing to say, and it was unlike me.

There was just something about Megan. She had a pull on me that I couldn’t explain. I knew I had to steer clear of her, but every inch of my body wanted to do the exact opposite.

Reaching her room, I knocked on the door—loudly.

"It's me," I said. "We need to talk."

"We can talk tomorrow," she answered from the other side.

"I don't want to leave things like this, okay? I want to apologize."

I heard footsteps approaching, and a few seconds later, the door swung open.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

She nodded, and I stepped inside. She closed the door behind me, leaning against the wall. I took in a deep breath. The whole room seemed to smell like her.

I looked her straight in the eyes. "Megan, I'm sorry."

"That was a shit thing to say," she said in an earnest voice.

"I know. I apologize. I had no right to ask you that.”

"No, you didn't." Her voice was growing stronger. "It was completely unreasonable."

"Here's the thing," I said, taking a step closer because damn it, I just couldn't help myself. When I was around her, I always wanted to be closer. "I don't feel very reasonable when it comes to you. I saw you with him, and all I could think about was that you’re mine."

She gasped, and her eyes widened.

Fuck me. That mouth. I wanted it. That was mine.Shewas mine. She might not know it, but she was.


"Every day, when I see you at the office, it's all I can think about." I stepped even closer, putting my hand up on the wall.

She looked at my hand and back at me. "It is?"

"Fuck yes."

I tilted even closer. I was addicted to this woman. “I had this great plan. I wouldn’t make a move on you until the internship ended. But it won’t work.”

Megan put a palm on my chest. She was shaking slightly.

“No, it won’t work at all,” she murmured.

And then I kissed her.

I needed her naked. I wanted to touch every inch of her skin, map it with my hands and my mouth.