In Charles’s office, Luke followed a similar presentation to the one for Rick’s office. However, I noticed subtle differences; for instance, this one contained more numbers and fewer visuals.
"And, Charles, I just want to note that this was my vision before I saw the space. It will change according to your desires. And Megan will come up with two proposals on her own, so you’ll have options, okay? You can go with either of them, or a mesh of concepts, or we can change it completely."
"I like you guys," Charles said, looking like a kid on Christmas morning. "You've got energy and enthusiasm and are showing excitement about my project. That means a lot."
"Weareexcited," I said.
"Okay, before I forget, what kind of coffee do you guys want? I'll just call downstairs real quick."
"I'll have a black coffee, please."
"Same for me," Luke said.
Our coffee arrivedten minutes later while we were in the thick of discussing the details. I was surprised by how much the rain had intensified.
"Damn," Charles said, looking out the window. "The weather stations said something about bad weather, but I hoped it would go right past us."
We went back to our conversation until around lunchtime when Charles ordered pizzas for each of us. I was starving since I hadn't had any breakfast and ate the whole thing, even though it was huge. After lunch, I was a bit full and tired, as was Charles, but not Luke. He seemed even more energized.
He opened the simulation software on his laptop and started creating some of the ideas Charles discussed with us earlier. The man was impressed. I was certain he was going to give us the project. I'd never seen anyone so enthusiastic.
"I think we can wrap this up," Luke said two hours later. “Unless you can think of anything else you want to discuss before you decide, Charles."
"No, no, you've gone above and beyond today. I'll be in touch." Looking out the window, Charles said, "You want me to drive you to the heliport?"
"If you could, that would be great," Luke said. "And speaking of that, Travis has been sending me texts, but I haven’t looked at them." He took the phone from his pocket while I put the laptop in my bag, along with my notebook.
"Jesus," Luke exclaimed.
I stopped in the act of packing my laptop. “What happened?”
“He says he can’t fly in these conditions.”
"I thought that might be the case," Charles said. "There’s no way a helicopter can make it in this storm." Checking the weather app, he added, “And the winds are pretty raucous. Yeah, it’s best if you all stay in town.”
Luke frowned. "Let's go downstairs and talk to Travis. He’s still in the coffee shop.”
"If you stay here, I recommend Delia’s Hotel. It’s the best in town,” Charles said.
Luke nodded. “Thanks. Do you want to join us for dinner?”
“Can’t. My granddaughter has a piano recital. Can’t miss it or she’ll be sad.” Charles added, “If you need anything, just call me.”
“Thank you," I said.
Charles shook my hand first, then Luke's.
"We’re going to get soaked," Luke said when we reached the front door. The entrance to the coffee shop was next door.
“We’ll just need to move really quickly,” I said.
He took off his suit jacket, handing it to me.
"What? Come on, Luke. I'm not going to melt. A little rain won't hurt me."
"It's cooler outside because of the wind and rain." His tone was determined, like he would actually fight me on it if I said no. Okay, this was very endearing. "And you've got long hair. If that gets wet, you'll get a cold for sure."