Page 5 of Kiss Me Forever

"I'm an early bird, but the rest of the office will come in later. Greta is my brother Declan's assistant."

I needed to get myself together, but I had no idea how. I was approaching full-on panic mode.

"This is my office." He pointed at the open door on his left, and we both walked inside. It was large with a huge window and a big desk with two monitors. He positioned his chair so we could talk without obstruction, and I sat in the chair opposite him.

"Let's pretend we’re meeting for the first time," he said casually.

I nodded, even though I felt like I wasn't getting any air.

I'd slept with Luke.

I’d slept with the boss.

What a way to start a job.

"Our HR manager will—”

"You didn't know who I was?" I blurted. Surely it wasn’t a coincidence when he walked to the table after all.

He frowned. "No. HR hires the interns. You only spoke with Donna, right?"

"Yes." He must have looked at my résumé. Damn! I remembered that they didn’t want pictures with the application. But this could not have been pure happenstance.

"I feel uncomfortable," I admitted. "I don't think this is a good idea." As much as I needed this job, this was not the way to start. I should just leave.

He leaned back in his chair.

How can he look so relaxed? Isn’t he flustered at all to see me here?

“You don't want to take the job?" he asked. "It's a great opportunity. You'd work side by side with the best in the business."

"I know that, Mr. Maxwell."

"Everyone calls me Luke," he replied smoothly.


His eyes squinted dangerously. "Why don't you go ahead and take the day off and think about everything? This is obviously a shock."

That was an understatement. "Yes, it is," I agreed. "I’ll take you up on that." Maybe once I was out of here, I could think more clearly.

I rose to my feet. My heart was pounding hard. I couldn't understand how he looked so self-assured and completely calm.

And sexy as hell, a small voice said in my mind.

Stop being unhelpful, brain.

"I’ll walk you out," he said.

"No need. I know the way," I replied quickly, because this reminded me a bit too much of last night when he insisted on driving me home from his penthouse and I declined.

"All right." He stood from his chair anyway. "Megan, think really hard about what you want. I, for one, would love to have you on my team."

I smiled politely, nodding, before turning around, then walked with measured steps directly to the elevators. I still felt like I could barely breathe. It took a few minutes for an elevator to arrive.

To my relief, it was empty, and no one came in on my way down either. Once on the ground floor, I took off my badge, dropping it in the visitor box before heading outside.

The fresh air enveloped me and had a calming effect. For a moment there, I thought I was going to pass out right in his office!