Page 37 of Kiss Me Forever

Tyler nodded eagerly. "Hey, I want one. And count me in on the party for those two."

"What's a bachelor party?" Paisley asked.

Okay, that shut me up. Tate and Declan were shooting daggers at me. Mom and Dad were trying to suppress smiles.

Tyler and Travis had on their patented "You’re on your own" looks. Lexi and Liz exchanged a glance, but no one was talking. It was up to me to answer.

I cleared my throat. "That's a party to celebrate when someone's getting married."

Paisley narrowed her eyes which meant she wasn't buying it. "But that's what the reception is for."

I glanced once around the table for help.Come on. Someone has to help me out of this hole I dug for myself.

Travis and Tyler were barely holding back laughter.

Lexi leaned over the table, looking at Paisley. "It's a party only for your dad, his brothers, and friends."

"So, only for guys?" Paisley asked skeptically. "Why?"

Okay, no one answered now, not even Lexi.

"You know what? I’m going to Google it on the iPad. Adults never want to tell me anything." Paisley turned around, leaving the table and going upstairs.

"Thanks for the help," I said.

Travis whistled. "Dude, she asked you."

"No. She asked the table," I countered.

"Here's a thought: watch what you say around Paisley," Declan said.

I looked at Tate. He said nothing, just gave me a murderous look. I deserved it.

"Fine, but now that she's out of the room, we can talk about it."

"No, no, no," Lexi said, shaking her head. "Let's focus, okay? I need everyone to tell me their favorite from the first course, the second course, and the snack in between. Note it on the sheet of paper you have next to you, and if you have any tips for the kitchen, write those down too."

Holy shit, that woman was thorough. I had zero notes, but I couldn't help but think that Megan would have a ton. This was only the second wedding in the family, and it was so different from Tate's first wedding. His ex-wife had been all about what would look good in pictures, what would give the guests the most to talk about, not about what we, or Tate, would like. I couldn't believe we would have two more weddings in the family after this. Tyler and Kendra hadn't set a date, and neither had Declan and Liz, but I knew my brothers. They weren't going to wait too long. That was how the Maxwell men went through life; we knew what we wanted and made no apologies for it.

While I was filling out Lexi’s sheet, my phone vibrated. It must have caught the rare signal. I was betting it was Donna again, nagging for a reply.

It wasn’t.

Megan: Hey, I found some cool options for the treehouse that fit your specs.

Damn. I’d only just sent her the specs. I couldn’t reply from here because I’d lost the signal again. I glanced once around the table. Lexi and Tate were pointing at the plate with the salmon roll, murmuring under their breath. Kendra was bent over the sheet of paper, writing with purpose. Tyler was finishing off Kendra’s main course—veal with pureed peas. Declan was sipping a glass of wine, and Liz was tasting the entrees again. Travis had yet to write anything on his sheet.

“Anyone need water? I’m going upstairs to get a bottle,” I said. I needed to find somewhere with a signal.

Following a chorus of “Yes,” I headed upstairs. There was a pantry right outside the staircase where Tate kept bottles of water. I looked around for Paisley. She was sitting on the couch in front of the entrance, playing on her iPad. The administrators’ offices were to the right.

“Paisley, you okay there?” I checked.

“Yes. I’m researching.”

Jesus.I didn’t ask what she was researching. I didn’t want to know.

I immediately texted Megan.