Page 22 of Kiss Me Forever

"Ooh," Nina said. She’d clearly read it upside down. "That sounded bossy. He wants you in his office."

"Yep, I know. I read it too," I said.

My stomach bottomed out. Had I offended him?

"I'm sure you didn’t," Nina said, which made me realize I said it out loud. "You're always the optimist."

"I am."

"Oh crap. Now you're going to think the whole evening that you’re going to be in trouble, aren't you?"

"Maybe," I admitted, flagging the waiter so we could finally order the main course. I was hungry despite the appetizer.

"Then I guess I'll have to take your mind off it. Let's think about something else. What if he wants you in his office to have his dirty way with you?" she asked.

“Nina, this isn’t helping.” I laughed, nearly knocking over my wine.

The waiter came back over to us, looking at the glass worriedly.

I ordered a salad with chicken and beans. Nina went for a shrimp casserole.

While we waited, I focused on her. “How are things going with Henry?”

Henry was her on-again, off-again boyfriend. At the moment, she wasn’t sure if they were on or off.

“I have no idea,” she said with a sigh.

“You know I’m here for you, right?”

She smiled warmly. “I know. I just don’t want to talk about it anymore. It doesn’t seem to help. I’m not sure why I can’t just kick him to the curb.”

“We all do things we can’t understand,” I murmured.

“That’s right, we do.” She put her elbows on the table, lacing her fingers under her chin. “Spill it.”

I sighed. I knew this was just the distraction she needed. Talking about that night was definitely not smart, but it would take Nina’s mind off her own troubles.

“Jeez, you’re persistent. Let me eat dinner first, at least.”

“Fine, but after that, I’ll have no mercy. I hope you remember every detail.”

My lips turned up at the corners. “Oh, I do.”



“Sam, you’ve got tostay longer,” Travis exclaimed.

My brothers and I had gone out for a drink at the bar on the top of our office building. We were on the second round of drinks, sitting at the round table next to the window.

Sam shrugged. “I couldn’t get more days off.”

“You flew from Honduras for three days?” Tate countered.

“I like seeing the family.”

Travis snorted. “Dude, you’re not spending all your time in Chicago with us.” He looked at all of us before adding, “My money is on the fact that he’s got a woman here.”