I smiled at her. "We already know each other."
“That’s right,” Luke said with a nod.
I suddenly realized Donna must have been expecting me two days ago. I wondered what Luke told her about that first meeting. I wished I had a chance to ask him.
I shook hands with her as we exchanged our hellos. Donna’s office was small but cozy, and though she didn't have a floor-to-ceiling window like Luke, it was wide, so it let in plenty of light.
Luke moved toward the door. "I’ll leave Megan in your hands. I know you'll take good care of her."
Donna smiled at him. "Yes, I will. Say hi to Sam for me."
"Sure. You can always come and say hi yourself, you know."
She shook her head. "No, no, I'm here to do your dirty work, as usual, while you're off having fun with your brothers."
"Donna, don't be so judgmental. Sam is only here once in a blue moon. I have to take advantage of that."
Their banter was playful, like family. This office had good vibes, and I liked that.
After he left, I sat down in front of her desk.
"Are you feeling better?" Donna asked.
"Hm?" I replied, not sure what she was referring to, yet hoping she hadn’t heard of my freak-out the other day.
"Luke mentioned you weren't feeling well, so that's why you postponed your first day."
"Oh, yes, I'm much better." I’d have to thank him later for the cover. Or maybe not. No need to go there.
"That's great. Now let's see. I've got everything I need here," she said, opening what I noticed was my file. "Have you met Sam and Travis? I heard they were in Luke’s office."
"Yes, I did.” I answered, then thought to ask, “What does he mean by Sam isn't here? Doesn’t he live in Chicago too?"
"He's working with Doctors Without Borders. I actually forgot what country he's in right now."
"And Travis?"
"We used to see a lot more of him back when he owned his business. He sold it a while ago. It was an app he created, and he did very well with the sale. Now he's on a sabbatical of some kind, I think."
“So, Luke, Declan, and Travis have offices here. I saw the name Maxwell on three floors.”
“It used to be four before Travis sold his business. Tate is also here."
"Oh, yes, Maxwell Wines," I said. "I know them, of course."
Donna beamed. "Who doesn't, right? Okay, well, I already have your laptop and company phone ready," she said, opening a drawer, taking out a security badge, a black laptop, and an iPhone, and putting them right in front of me.
"Thank you."
"We don't have a dress code. Everyone dresses the way they like. Some business, others casual. Do you have any questions?"
"Not right now."
"If you change your mind, let me know. Or just send me an email. The first thing you'll find in your inbox is a list with everyone's email, their positions, and what projects they’re currently involved in."
"Where is that listed?"