Chapter Four
The next morning, Iwas ready to face Luke. I was wearing a suit again. This one was dark gray, and I had a white chemise underneath. I looked as professional and as conservative as I could. I needed to make a good impression after yesterday. I felt more equipped now to deal with him anyway.
The truth was, I wanted the job—Ineededit. I’d been unemployed for too long, and this internship wastheplace to be, regardless if I won the US Architecture Design Award or not. This job would open a lot of doors for me. The internship only lasted six months, and I could do it. I simply needed to pull myself together and forget I’d met him that evening. Thinking back on yesterday, Luke apparently had.
He didn’t seem the least bit concerned when he realized his new hire was me. Luke seemed pleased to see me, and I didn’t think it was because we’d spent time in bed. He didn’t act untoward, so I needed to be as professional as he was, put on my big girl panties, and do the best job I could for him as his new employee.
I knew what I had to do. But I wasn’t sure I could do it.
The coffee shop was three blocks away from his office. It looked crisp, and through the window, I noticed uncomfortable wooden chairs that didn’t invite one to linger for hours. It was full of suits going in and out. The heat of the morning was sweltering. July in Chicago wasn’t for the faint of heart. I loved Lake Michigan as much as everyone else, but I wasn’t a fan of the humidity permeating the air.
Stepping inside, I relaxed a bit as the blast of the AC chilled me. I looked around, and my breath caught when I saw him.Good Lord.Apparently I hadn’t braced myself enough for this. He was wearing a suit as well, but he didn't have the jacket on. He’d slung it over his shoulder. Even from a distance, I could tell it was an expensive shirt with silver cuff links. My mouth watered because I knew what was underneath.
Okay, let's get the show going.You’re here to make a professional impression.
I walked to him with determined steps. Luke rose to his feet when he saw me.
"Luke. Should we pretend yesterday didn't happen either?" I asked, my mouth was suddenly dry.
"Whatever makes you feel more comfortable, Megan."
I laughed. Damn it. I couldn't keep my nerves from showing, and I hadn't even been in his presence more than a few minutes. "I don't know."
He gestured for me to sit down and then did the same.
"Let's keep this simple. If you decide to take the job, we'll keep everything strictly professional. No mentioning anything that could potentially get us into trouble." He'd spoken the last few words slowly and deliberately. I wondered how much thought had been given to those “potential problems.” Did I even want to know? No, it was safer if I didn't.
I looked at him intently. Could he really do it? Be completely professional? Could I?
"What do you want to drink?" he asked.
"Regular coffee, please."
"I'll be right back with one."
As he left, I couldn't keep from peeking after him.Oh my God, that backside.
I relaxed a little, sitting there by myself. This was going to work out. I could feel it in my bones. I wanted to work with him and his team. I wasn't going to find an opportunity like this anytime soon. And I think he was sincere with keeping things on the up and up.
Luke came back quicker than I expected.
"Thank you," I said, taking the coffee cup from him. "You didn't get anything?"
"No. I already had three coffees today," he responded.
I stared at him. "At eight o'clock in the morning?"
"I start my day with a triple shot."
"Wow. Okay." Taking in a deep breath, I said, "Look, I want the job. I’m just concerned if I should accept it considering our history."
He clapped his hands once, training his eyes on me. "I’m glad to hear you still want the job. You'll be great at it. I looked over your résumé. You'd be doing the same job you did at SkyDesigns. I presume you left there because they shut down?"
“I left before they shut down completely. They fired most juniors five months ago."