“I can’t believe you slept your way to the top.”
I bristled, narrowing my eyes. “I didn’t, but I don’t care what you think about me. There was a time when I did. You didn’t appreciate me at all. After we broke up, I doubted myself a lot. But not anymore. I’m very good at my job. And I have the love of a great man.”
“Yes. You’re not even half the man he is.”
The elevator dinged. It was empty. Holding myself with grace, I stepped inside and turned on my heels. "And don't try to come in. I want to ride down all alone. Feel free to wait or take the stairs."
I pressed the button to close the doors.
That fucking moron. Who does he think he is?
Just a couple months ago, having that conversation with Carson would have thrown me off my game. But now it didn't. I mean, it pissed me off, but that was it. How was that possible?
If I thought about it, I knew how—because of Luke. He’d asked me to consider everything as if I hadn't met him, but I couldn't because Ididmeet him. I'd changed since, and I was grateful for that. Of course, I wanted to have a great career. But I could do that working side by side with him.
For the first time since breaking up with Carson, I could vividly focus on the future. My future with Luke. I wasn’t afraid anymore—because we were dreaming about that futuretogether. I wasn’t just letting my imagination run wild while I trudged alongside him like I did with Carson. And it took seeing that moron to realize that. I guessed fate knew what it was doing when both of us applied for the competition.
I loved Luke. I couldn’t believe he cared so deeply about me that he was willing to set me free—to let me make my own career decision, even if that meant the possibility of losing me.
Well, little did Luke know, I didn’t want to go to Shanghai and have a long-distance relationship with him. I wanted to be here, to shower him with love every single day. That was another thing I couldn’t have imagined a few months ago: giving my heart away without holding back.
I realized that at my age, settling down with a career and family wasn’t the norm, but I’d always been more mature than others—probably why Nina and I were such good friends. I wanted to stay right here and be with the man I loved.
Luke Maxwell.
I couldn't wait to tell him!
Stepping outside the building, I walked past the beautiful landscaping, pulling up the Uber app, hoping there was a car nearby. It was only nine in the evening. I wasn’t sure where Luke would be. Was he already home? Or was he at the office? I decided to call him before ordering the Uber, and he answered right away. My stomach somersaulted at his voice.
"Meg, hey, I wasn't expecting you to call tonight." His words were a bit slurred.
I frowned. "Are you drunk?"
"No, my brothers stopped by my office. Now it’s only Travis and me. We finished a bottle of champagne.”
“Three,” I heard Travis yell from the background.
"Oh my God! Youaredrunk!"
"No, just relaxed."
"Aha. I was just about to order an Uber. I can join you at the office."
"I am out of here," Travis said loudly in the background. "Sure as hell don't want to be a cockblocker now."
Heat crept up my cheeks. "Getout. I want to talk to her alone," I heard Luke say under his breath.
"Meg, are you sure you want to come over tonight?" he said after a few seconds. His voice was different, soft and vulnerable. He’d never sounded this way.
"Yes, I do," I said in a strong voice. "I have an answer for you."
"That was awfully fast."
"I know, but I've decided. I really knew from the start."
"Then I'll wait for you here." He sounded reserved.
Silly man. Wait until he heard I chose him.
“Make sure Travis is gone,” I insisted.
"I'm on it."