Page 104 of Kiss Me Forever

Scratch that. I need the whole bottle.

I was in no mood to be surrounded by the whole team, so I just went into my office.

There was a knock at my door forty minutes later. Donna came in with a bottle of champagne and a glass.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"You looked like you needed it."

I pushed my laptop away. There was no use pretending to work. I could use a drink, but how did she know that?

Donna pressed her lips together, smiling. "Okay, boss. I'm only going to say this once. We all know about you and Megan."

I sat up straighter in my chair. "How?"

“Little things.”

I remembered Jonathan’s wink that evening when Megan and I were the last ones at the office and decided on the spot that I didn’t want to know more.

"All right. I appreciate that no one said anything."

"I schooled everyone," she said, making me laugh. "So, Shanghai, huh? Is she going to take it?"

"I don't know. I told her to consider all her possibilities."

Donna pointed at the bottle. "Hence the champagne. Thought you might want a whole bottle to yourself."

"You are a damn mind reader. I was thinking about that earlier. How’s the party?"

“It died down. I told everyone to leave. It’s late, and it's not like anyone’s able to work anyway. This is worse than our last Christmas party, and I never thought we could surpass that. I’m going to leave too. It’s just your brothers left on the floor. They poked their heads inside the meeting room just now."

I was betting I’d see them in a couple minutes.

“Have a great evening, Donna.”

She waved and then closed the door quietly behind her.

Travis, Tate, and Declan came in almost immediately after she left. They brought another bottle and glasses.

"So," Travis said after walking in like he owned the place, “we heard the news.” He sat on the couch, putting one ankle over the other knee, then leaned back.

"I tried to stop him from barging in. All of them," Declan said.

I waved my hand. "That's fine."

"Dude, you're getting drunk on your own?" Tate asked before glancing at Travis. "I told you it was suspicious that he wasn’t in the meeting room.”

Travis looked at me intently. "Did you manage to talk to Megan?"

“Yes.” I said the word carefully and deliberately as if I held all the answers. I fucking didn’t.

"I hope you didn't go all Neanderthal on her and tell her to stay here," Declan said.

"Why not? That sounds like an amazing plan," Travis said.

Declan popped the cork, then poured champagne in all the glasses.

“You’re evolving, brother. Now your sermons include alcohol. I approve,” I said.