I saw red as crimson as the Kithonian horizon. Fuck the risks.

I roared as I pushed off from the smooth stone floor and lunged for Karn’s throat—appearances be damned. The nightsteel blade fell between us, but Mrak’s symbol on the blade glowed with completion. That sword, with an enchantment mostly helmed by Karn, was complete and ready to disperse of Mrak’s very existence for good. I stumbled over it as my clawed hands wrapped around Karn’s throat and squeezed.

“Traitor!” I screamed.

“Aisling!” Willa screamed. “Don’t!”

Sylas grabbed my shoulder and wrenched me off Karn. “What are you—”

A shattering of glass cut Sylas off as the large stained-glass windows burst inward. Shadows spilled through the now open space, flowing in droves to mix with the members of Sylas’s court who preferred less solid forms. Doors on the far end of the room from where we stood flew open and off their hinges.

Sylas and I turned at the same time to watch as people flooded through—and I did mean people. Demon hunters.Humans.

Shadow demons and humans attacking Sylas at his court.

My heart soared, and in that split second of distraction, Karn broke my grip on his neck. I tumbled backward and away from the blade that could kill the love of my life. My gaze darted between that blade and Karn and back again.

“Aisling,” Karn warned. “Don’t.”

“Fuck off!”

I jumped forward like something feral, reaching for the blade as Sylas moved fast, kicking it away from both of us. One of his guards picked it up from the ground and threw it to Sylas, who caught it deftly.

Sylas’s eyes were wide, his mouth nearly foaming from anger. “You’ve ruined everything,” he said in a voice so low, it could have skinned me alive.

A new voice bellowed through the hall, above the chaos, loud and clear. “We’ve only just begun.”

Mrak. I caught sight of him out of the corner of my eye, but I was unwilling to turn fully away from Sylas.

Another form was with him, running without care toward this end of the hall.


It was Leif. Working together with Mrak, after all.

Tears pricked my eyes as hope swelled in my heart.

That was when I felt the nightsteel blade in Sylas’s hands pierce my chest.