Willa might’ve thought me dead, and I couldn’t stand the thought of her hurt.

“That’s not a good idea,” Mrak said simply.

“Because you won’t be there?” I challenged.

Mrak leveled me with a look. “Because the Lunar League—or what’s left of it—will capture you if you’re found. Those demon hunters weren’t happy about you and I even before we interrupted their attack on Cassius.”

Mrak had a point.

“It’s a good thing we probably killed most of them then, huh?”

Mrak’s lips pressed together into an unamused flat line. Finally, resignation relaxed his face. “How long would you go for?”

I shrugged, only then remembering I was naked beneath these sheets and Karn was still in the room. “Long enough to check in with Willa. Maybe I can stay the night and give you that time to investigate this poisoning?”

Karn raised his head from the bow. “Twenty-four hours is more than long enough. There are few demons here just yet to question.”

Mrak looked reluctant. His arm around me tightened. “I don’t want to let you out of my sight again, Aisling.”

I reached up to hold his face. “I will be more than fine with Willa. She’s a powerful witch. I just need a portal open to Earth, and one to get back.”

Conflict warred in Mrak’s eyes. It was clear he didn’t want to let me go. And yet, if there were dangers here I couldn’t fight off because Iwasn’ta shadow demon, it was better I step out of Kithonia for a short time.

Mrak’s expression softened and he lowered his lips to mine, capturing them in an intense, fierce kiss that made warmth pool between my legs in moments. This kiss was way too intimate, too lingering, to be done with someone else in the room and my naked skin only shielded from view by a thin sheet. Mrak didn’t seem to care.

We were both breathless by the time he pulled back. “We only just got to my kingdom. I’d hoped to never have to see you return to Earth.”

“I did, too,” I said, because it was the truth. In a perfect world, Willa and I would have said our goodbyes before coming to Kithonia, or maybe she would’ve even joined us. But this wasn’t a perfect world. A perfect world didn’t exist. “I’ll come back tomorrow, I promise.”

“You better.” He kissed me again and this time his hand trailed down my body until he held my hips. I briefly saw Karn turn away from us, but Mrak’s touch ended there. “Karn, have portals prepared for Aisling, and then make yourself available for the entire day. You and I have a treasonist to find.”