Chapter 14

Lazarus’s feeder community had been lavish and welcoming compared to Kithonia’s capital and the castle within. I had no illusions to the fact that was likely due to whatever tyrannical method of governing Sylas was currently employing.

For me, that meant being led through spartan walls made from stone that had clearly seen battle at some point in their past. Every corridor looked the same as the last as Sylas and two guards escorted me to a literal cell high in a tower. High enough with windows to look over Kithonia. Windows barred with what appeared to be magic-laced bars across each window to keep me inside.

No chambers, no bed even. Just a cell with bars, a few windows, and a large view of the kingdom below.

Sylas wanted me to be compliant. He wanted me to change my mind.

I wouldn’t give him either.

Sylas stepped into the cell with me, and his guards locked us in.

I glanced him up and down. “You’ve got a lot of trust in your guards to get in here before I kill you.”

“On the contrary,” Sylas said as he approached me. “I have more faith in your obedience, as not giving it would mean endangering Mrak’s life and those of every refugee in that palace.”

I backed away from Sylas, but he held pace until my back pressed against the stone wall at the back of my cell. Sylas disregarded the entirety of my personal space and placed one palm above my head, leaning in seductively as if we were already wed.

“What do you want?” I asked and hated it. On my inhale, I could smell nothing but Sylas. His entire presence enveloped me, and it was menacing. His aura of power collapsed my own, drawing in my awareness until all I could sense and focus on was him and I.

“I’d say for you to cooperate,” Sylas started. “But that doesn’t appear as though it’s going to happen. Luckily, I love when women play hard to get.”

Bile slicked my throat. I tried hard not to roll my eyes. “You have me. I’m not going anywhere. Why are you still in this cell with me?”

“We have much to discuss.”

“Do we now?”

Sylas withdrew his palm but did not fully retreat. “We have a wedding to plan,” he said as his gaze dropped to my abdomen. “And an heir to make—to secure my spot on the throne, as you surely were preparing to do for my brother. Why else would you make yourself a shadow demon but to be able to live carrying one of us in your womb?”

I shuddered. “Stay away from me.”

“I can’t do that, unfortunately,” Sylas purred. “You see, I also know a bit more about you than you’re aware of, and I required yourotherskill.”

My stomach churned. “What other skill?”

“My brother clearly loves your for your assets,” Sylas said as he grazed his gaze back up to mine. “But I require a forger. Specifically, of nightsteel. And your resume is quite extensive.”

My jaw slid open against my better judgement. There was no hiding this shock. “Excuse me?”

I had promised Mrak I wouldn’t make anything for Sylas. We’d assumed, after all, that with the stockpile of nightsteel Sylas was rumored to have, that he might have known about my skills. But to hear those assumptions confirmed sent dread rocketing through me.

Sylas shrugged. “I have nightsteel and a lot of it. I have forgers as well. But another would make things go just that much faster. Oh.” He chuckled as he studied my reaction. “Are you surprised I knew? I have friends everywhere.”

Friends.I sincerely doubted that. But it brought another thought screaming to the forefront of my mind—one that overtook my surprise. “You havemyfriend, Willa. Give her back to me.”

Sylas regarded me carefully. “Do I? I have quite a collection of humans. You’ll have to be more specific.”

My jaw locked hard. Thisbastard. “Let me see Willa.Now. I know you took her, Sylas.”

“Ah, yes. The witch.” Sylas finally backed away from me and began pacing the cell. He had yet to take off his full armor. I was beginning to wonder if he ever did, or if Sylas was so terrified of the people in his own castle that he felt the need to wear it all the time. That sort of distrust could be helpful to Mrak.

“Let me see her,” I demanded. “Now.”

“I also have a Seer,” Sylas said as he rubbed his chin. “I suppose you’ll want to see her, too. I hear you’ve quite the relationship with her brother.” He clicked his tongue. “You should be careful about that now you’re a shadow demon. They hunt our kind.”

Quinn too.It did not surprise me he had them both, but Iwasshocked to find him flaunting them in my face.