Chapter 10

Mrak led me so quickly across the palace and away from his people, including Karn, that I thought we might have been flying. Maybe we were. Was flying an ability I had in this new form? It sure as hell felt like it. Before I knew what was happening, Mrak had brought us back to my chambers and locked the door shut behind us.

He grabbed my now large, monstrous shoulders and pulled me to him, clashing his mouth to mine in a possessive, ferocious kiss. The kind of kiss a man would give someone he no longer had to be cautious around.

I giggled into the kiss, but then realized the intensity of this moment. With me now a shadow demon, and after over a year of time together, Mrak and I could finally—finally—be one together in the same way through and through.

A jolt of excitement coursed through me at the thought, one that drifted away the moment I caught my reflection in the floor-length mirror on the wall. I was now as tall as Mrak, with my own set of red eyes and clawed hands. It was disturbing seeing such a jarring change. Not bad, just… different.

“You are exquisite, Aisling,” Mrak whispered as he placed kisses along my neck.

I tilted my head to the side with a moan, granting him easier access. “You’ve loved me all along, no matter what I am.”

“Mmm.” Mrak nearly purred along my skin. It sent intense vibrations through me right to my throbbing core. “You can always take a more human form, like I could before. Or become smoke in the same way. Just will it so.”

I closed my eyes and tried to think how much more comfortable I’d been as a human—in shape, at least. I hadn’t felt like I’d necessarily fit in anywhere except with Willa. But with Mrak, I could be anything I wanted to be.

Magic and power swarmed around me as my body morphed and changed, adopting the more human form I’d always had before. Gone were the six crimson eyes and monstrous body. My fingers replaced the claws at the ends of my hands.

I was Aisling again, but not the Aisling that had always existed. I was now a shadow demon in human form.

Opening my eyes, I found Mrak grinning down at me. There might be a size difference between us again, but no longer one in power.

“I love you,” Mrak said as he firmly grabbed me again. He pulled me back against him, and already I felt his hardness growing against my back.

Feeling his length pressed against me pooled warmth between my thighs. I pushed back against him. “Idesireyou.”

Mrak growled deep in his throat, but before he could act, I reached out with newer facets of this shadow demon form, unfurling shadow tendrils as I’d seen and felt Mrak do a hundred times. The tendrils climbed up his legs and arms, pulling on his clothes and ripped them off in quick motions. I swore I felt Mrak shiver.

I grinned at him in the mirror before I turned myself against him and knelt as I’d dreamed of doing so many times. I’d wished for this. To fully have him as equals. We’d had sex the other night, but it’d been fast and desperate, both of us racing.

Not so tonight.

“Aisling,” Mrak said as he ran his hands through my hair and held my head.

I took him in one hand and looked up at him. “Yes?”

“You are beautiful.”

I held his gaze as I took him into my mouth. Mrak’s breath hitched. His body froze as I pulled him in. My shadow tendrils ran along his sides and arms, holding his hips in place as I worked him with my hands and mouth.

I could see now why Mrak liked this so much, the control extra hands through tendrils gave. Every time Mrak leaned forward, trying to press more of himself into my mouth, I held him in place. He hissed as I exerted control, which only urged me on more.

Two could play at this game now—now that I was like him. And gods, did I love every. Single. Second.

Mrak’s hands drifted down to my neck as he lifted me up and away from his length. I was about to protest when he groaned deeply and spun and pinned me against the mirror.

Not a week ago had Cassius’s second-in-command pinned me against a mirror in this same fashion. My face against the glass. My control taken from me. But I didn’t fear it now—I had nothing to fear. Not anymore.

Instead, I watched in the reflection as Mrak’s tendrils snaked past mine, holding me in place by my neck as his hands slid down my body. His fingers explored. He cupped my breasts, dropped them lower to my hips, slowly moving over every part of me until his fingers dipped between my thighs.

I moaned loudly, my body shivering with excitement as his fingers brushed my core.

“I love the way you sound when I claim you,” Mrak murmured in my ears. His shadow tendrils took turns sliding along my breasts and dipping between my thighs. But no matter how many tendrils or fingers Mrak drew close, none entered me and none gave me the friction I so desperately needed.

My breathing became shallow. My pulse pounded loudly in my ears. Could Mrak hear it?

I felt my body shift in that moment, turning more shadowy as my core clenched. “Mrak.”