“Fucking bastard!” I shout at the asshole standing above me, swiping at his legs.

He lands a swift kick in my ribs before I can stop him. “Maybe next time you’ll pay more attention to who you shove back down into the pit! Go fuck yourself!”

Growling, I ignore my aching wrist and push myself up, lunging at the man only for him to disappear into the dark, but not a minute later, I hear his cries for help. I head toward the sound of his voice, taking tentative steps in case this is a trap. As red and blue fireworks illuminate the ground, I find him with his leg clamped in a pointy bear trap.

I pause to laugh at his predicament. “Who's getting fucked now?” He reaches for me, but I skirt out of the way, running past him while the fool tries to apologize. Apologies are worthless to me, because if you hadn’t fucked up in the first place, they wouldn’t be necessary.

More careful than I was before, I continue through the tall reeds, but then I step on something that has a scream launching from my lungs. Hopping on one foot, I slip on the muddy ground and topple into a thicket. Thorns dig into my skin, piercing my flesh as I try to heave myself off of it. Then a gunshot cracks, echoing around me, and my back is pelted with something hard.

At first, I think I’ve been shot with actual bullets, but the pain isn’t bad enough for that, possibly a paintball or a BB gun. I wrench my body from the thorns, my skin tearing as I break free, but I don’t even feel the pain anymore. I spin, and my chest is pelted with three more shots. Only this time, there’s also a dart impaled through my ribs.

I yank it out, but I’m not quick enough. My head becomes groggy, and I fall to my hands and knees, crawling along the ground to avoid the thicket. At least down here, the shooter can’t find me, hidden beneath the reeds.

My limbs begin to shake, as the effects from the dart invade my body. A sedative or a poison, I’m not yet sure, but I won’t give up—can’tgive up. I’m a fucking Lennox, nothing gets the best of us.

With a feral cry tearing from my lips, I haul my ass to my feet and surge forward. I don’t know how much time I have until the poison kills me or the sedative knocks me out. As another firework glitters from above, I see it in the distance—a building.

That must be Bitterwood Prep. Ithasto be.

If I’ve run the wrong way, then I’m already doomed to die.

My lips, fingers, and toes go numb as I barrel out of the reeds and quickly stop my momentum. A huge trench is dug here, filled to the brim with murky water. I know this isn’t here by chance, and I’d give my left nut if there isn’t something more sinister hiding below.

I lift my gaze, squinting through the darkness, seeing a tall, iron fence not a hundred feet from where I’m at. Dark figures attempt to scale it, some falling off while others are thrown down by vicious students.

I’m so fucking close.

As I stand here considering the trench, three more students make it to the edge of the water, staring into it with me. Next to me is a muscular girl, and beside her is a small girl with a head full of braids. I lock eyes with Braids and jerk my head at the woman between us. She gives me a small nod.

“Now!” I shout, and we attack the girl, our combined forces tossing her into the water. Instantly, fierce jaws rise from the depths and enclose around the girl’s arm, yanking it clear off her body. As she cries, blood pouring from her severed limb, another beast crests and clamps onto her shoulder.

I take advantage of her agony and begin to cross the water, blinking hard and slapping my face, willing myself not to pass out.

I can’t die here—not like this.

The water muffles the woman’s shrieks as she sinks below the dark liquid, dragged down into its murky depths by the powerful jaws of the giant reptile. I push harder with my legs, moving through the water even as its muddy bottom tries to suck me back down.

Something skims along my leg, and I punch and kick at the water before rushing up the other side. I collapse onto the grass, breathing hard as Braids claws her way out of the water.

She nods at me then rushes off, and I roll onto my stomach, lifting my head to watch her. Her hair sways behind her as she jogs towards the fence but just as she reaches it, a black mass barrels into her. With a startled cry, she’s yanked off into the thick line of trees where her squeal of surprise quickly grows silent.

My eyes begin to lose focus, and my legs feel like they each weigh hundreds of pounds. I’m bleeding, wrist throbbing, every inch of my skin torn and impaled with thorns. The fireworks begin again, louder and faster, revealing my path to victory. Stumbling, I move towards the iron fencing and wrap my hands around it. Heaving myself up, I scale it with an agility I didn’t think I could possess in this state—but survival is a potent catalyst. Quickly, I swing my body over the top but lose my grip, falling fifteen feet back down to the earth.

Blackness creeps in at the edges of my vision, my tongue feeling thick against the roof of my mouth. My body begs for rest, fatigue quaking my every muscle, but I’m so close now—so fucking close. Rolling onto my stomach, I fix my gaze on the stairs leading inside as a cacophony of light explodes overhead. I force myself to stand, begging my legs to hold my weight as I take a step forward. And another. And another.

Students collapse on the stairs, staining the steps with their blood as they climb for safety. As I near the first step, I notice that blonde bitch edging inside the building after Professor Vaughn. Part of me is relieved that she’s safe, and I hate myself for it. I can’t care for her—I can’t care for anyone aside from myself and Cash. No one else at this school fucking matters. Not even her, unless she’s spread eagled on her back or kneeling sweetly before me, my cock shoved deep down her throat.

My aggression fuels me, and with an angered shout, I pull myself up the stairs one at a time until I’m inside the school. Entering through the doors, I don’t even risk a glance over my shoulder even though I want to see if Cash is there. Keeping my eyes fixed ahead, I move through a darkened hallway and follow the muddy footprints and splatters of blood inside a large auditorium.

Raised against the back wall is a stage ten feet in the air, it’s dark blue curtains drawn closed. Stadium seating that looks to hold several hundred people spreads all the way up to a balcony. Two dozen or so students sparsely fill the chairs, breathing heavily, mud caked on their clothes, chests heaving from exertion.

One girl holds a shred of a torn shirt against her bare chest, and even though I’m drugged and exhausted, my cock jerks at the thought of yanking that piece of cloth from her grasp and baring those tits. I could do it—and she’d have no way to stop me.

I drag my gaze from student to student, landing once more on the blonde, her drenched set of pajamas plastered to her tits, blood seeping from a cut along her face. My hands clench into fists, and I make a move to head her way when a firm hand clasps me on the shoulder.

“Not yet, Ben.”

I turn to see Cash standing behind me. He’s filthy, with blood dripping from his nose, his once blond hair stained brown from caked on mud. He looks like shit, but at least he’s alive.

“We made it,” I whisper to him, and he nods, scanning the survivors. I don’t know what’s in store for us at Bitterwood Prep, but I know one thing—when Cashel O’Connor and Bentley Lennox are together, nothing can stop us.
