Her eyes widen, then narrow instantly into a look of pure hatred. “Fine, but I’ll remember this!” Another time, her hiss would make my cock dance.

Remington backs away from me and from the advancing Cashel—right into Bianca—who snags her hair and yanks, causing my pretty blonde teammate to fall to the ground. Cashel drops down beside her, pinning Remington’s arms above her head. “You look sexy, little lass, your hot body writhing under my grip. I can just picture you stripped and bound to the corners of my bed, your pussy spread wide as I take you over and over again while you struggle.”

“Fuck you!” Remington shouts, but her words are pointless. Restrained and helpless, Remington kicks at Bianca, her white shirt and panties covered in dirt.

The match now two on one, Bianca grins smugly at Remington and lowers herself onto Remington’s legs, efficiently pinning her. “Not so sassy now, are you?”

Bianca pinches Remington's nose shut and when she parts her lips to take a breath, Bianca spits in her mouth. The little doll rages, struggling to no avail, while arching her back to buck Bianca off of her. Her cutoff shirt rises, and the swell of her breasts peeks from below the hemline. Just another inch and those plump little nipples will be exposed.

My dick likes the sound of that.

Then my brain remembers this is a “team” fight, and I glance at the clock to see only ten minutes have elapsed. Cashel indicated for me not to participate, and while I won’t attack him, I’ll be damned if I sit here with my back against the cool tile while Remington gets double teamed. As I stroll over, Bianca fists the front of Remington's shirt in one hand, lifting the material off her chest, exposing my teammate’s perfect tits as she shouts at the blonde to back off.

Bianca’s free hand pulls back into a fist, but before she can land her assault, I lumber forward, pushing her off Remington. The girl shrieks before crashing into the nearest wall. Then I lunge for Cashel. He looks at me in surprise a second before my body collides with his, and we roll over the dirt.

“The fuck are you doing?!” he grits out, leaping to his feet.

I stand and throw a punch at him without the intention of hitting him. “Playing fair.”

Cash bounces on the tips of his feet, his voice low. “We made a promise not to fight each other.”

I nod. “We did—but I’m not going to stand there while you take sides, ensuring your team wins. Either we both fight, or we both stand back. The choice is up to you.”

Cashel shifts his eyes to the fighting women, spitting and clawing at each other. Thunder cracks loudly and the skies open up, rain pelting us from above. Remington lands a hard kick into Bianca’s belly. The brunette stumbles, turning away from Remington who leaps up onto her back like a bookbag. Bianca screams, reaching up and grabbing handfuls of the blonde’s hair, but Remington is tenacious.

Bianca rams herself backwards, crushing Remington between her body and the hard, tile wall. My blonde teammate clutches Bianca’s breasts, and with a shout, rips the front of the brunette's shirt in half. Remington then seizes Bianca’s tiny nipples, and the other girl shrieks, slamming into Remington again. Her curly-haired head bashes violently into the tile, dazing her enough to release her grip on Bianca as she falls off the girl’s back.

Bianca is pissed, her bare chest heaving, little nipples hard and pointed. She rounds on Remington, landing a kick into her side, but it has no effect on my teammate. Remington forces herself to her feet, looking ferocious. Her lips are pulled back and her hands are clenched in fists. Her meager clothing is plastered to her breasts and cunt, the perfect outline of her pussy lips on display.

She charges, and the two girls collide, falling onto the muddy earth. Remington shifts on top of Bianca, her thong flossed deep between her mud-covered ass cheeks. Their bodies slippery from rain and mud, Bianca struggles to find her grip on Remington who lands a hard slap across Bianca’s face. Bianca doesn’t back down, and finds purchase on Remington’s thong and yanks, breaking the elastic off one delicate hip.

Remington screams and lands a powerful backhand, before fumbling to tie the busted ends of her panties back together, and Bianca takes the opportunity to buck Remington off of her. Bianca leaps onto Remington, both sets of wet breasts bouncing as they grapple for the upper hand. Cashel and I stand back, shoulders touching, watching the entire thing.

Cashel adjusts his boner, eyes on the half-naked wrestling girls. “Just when I thought this school couldn’t get any better, we get front row seats to this.”

“It could beevenbetter.”

Cashel flicks his gaze to me and grins. “Should we help them along?”

I nod and we advance, Cash reaching Remington before I can. He tosses her against a wall and encases her wrists in one hand, pinning them above her head. I snag Bianca and toss her next to Remington, holding her in the same position. I press my chest to hers, watching her chocolatey-brown eyes fill with hatred as I slide my hand down along her wet skin to her thong. Then, in a quick move, I spin her, face pressed against the tile, and rip her thong in half.

I land a slap on her perky ass before backing up to see Cashel still playing with Remington. “Little doll needs to have her clothes changed,” he purrs.

Her thong is already gone, her smooth pussy lips on display as Remington kicks at him. He swings behind her and grasps her shirt, lifting it over her head before she even knows what’s happening. Naked and glorious, rain pounding down on her milky skin, Remington looks like every man’s wet dream, and knowing all eyes are on her taking in all the parts no one else is supposed to see, makes me even hotter.

Fuck, I need this girl—need to feel her beneath me, need to fill all her holes with my cock until her eyes roll back inside her head, need to taste her, fuck her, own every inch of her hot little body—even if she fights me the entire time.

Guards and students alike shout at her, at the things they want to do to her,depraved things. I’ve forgotten about the fight, forgotten she’s not the only naked girl standing in the rain. It’s like a switch flips in my brain, and my entire being has one focus, one goal—claim Remington as my own by any means possible.

The forgotten crowd of students roars with excitement as the final ten seconds tick down, and they count along with it. The girls just stare at each other, shocked and out of breath. Remington’s wound low on her leg has opened, blood dripping down her calf while Bianca tenderly pats her bloody nose.

I catch Cash’s gaze as the timer buzzes loudly, announcing the end of the fight a moment before the lights go out. I know that look in Cashel’s eye, I’ve seen it many times before. He wants the same thing I do—to own Remington. We’ve shared before but if he refuses, I’ll be forced to turn my back on him. After seeing her fire, I want Remington, and I will have her.

I no longer care about the cost.