“And what? Die myself?” He folds his arms across his chest, eyes fixed where Bianca and Remi stand. “No, Mr. O’Connor. There’s nothing I can do. My hands are as tied as theirs are.”

“Guards at the ready!” the principal shouts and my stomach plummets to my feet.


The guards target their assigned student and a terror like I’ve never known secures my insides with its icy grip.


What happens next is in slow motion. The firearms are discharged, deafeningly loud, the smell of gunpowder heavy in the air as one by one they go down the line, shooting every single student square in the chest. Blood flies everywhere and the students fall.

Bianca goes down and next to me the professor loses his mind. “Remi!” I shout as the bullet meant for her discharges and her chest is painted bright red before she falls too.

I can’t see. Can’t think. Can’t breathe.

My heart ceases to beat and I fall to the ground. All I know is pain as endless screaming surrounds me.

I saw her shot.

I saw her fall.

Remington is dead.