I tense at his words, not liking the implication. “I'm not part of your games, Windsor. If you want me to keep doing things—”

“You will keep doing things because I order you to,” he interrupts coldly. “Besides, this is punishment.”

“Punishment forwhat?”

“For ensuring the lovely Miss Bianca Abbot goes unpunished—now you must take her place.”

My heart seizes in my chest. This isn’t what I was expecting him to say. Fuck me—the guards must have ratted me out and told them that I didn't punish her for her part in Bawl or Brawl like I did the other three...

“Really? You're just going to take the guards’ word without even asking me?” I scoff.

“No, I'm going to take mycamera'sword over yours.”

I suck in a stuttering breath, realizing the man must have the damned things everywhere—even inside the secret torture room hidden in his office. Hell, probably even inmyoffice! Meaning he not only saw me let Bianca go, he also witnessed what I did to Remington Radcliffe that night… as well as today. The sinister grin stretching across Windsor’s lips tells me the asshole was just waiting for me to come to this very conclusion.

“You've been a very bad boy, Xander, and I’m afraid it cannot go unpunished. Bitterwood has no place for fuck ups—and yet, at every turn, I find you're fucking up, and knowingly disobeying direct orders. So I'm granting you this one courtesy. Next time, I will not be so kind. You need to remember who I am, who's loyal to me, and where your place is—beneath my goddamned foot.So crawl back there, Xander, like the fucking dog you are. And to ensure that you never pull shit like this again, I've arranged a little entertainment.” He pauses to chuckle in dry amusement. “Well,Ididn’t arrange it. Your lovely little girl snuck out, and I've allowed it for the time being. Of course, she will be punished, too, for sneaking out, but I've decided to let you enjoy it first. Celeste will free you in the morning, and we can put this all behind us. However, and let me be quite clear, I do not expect there to be any more hiccups ever again. Obey me, boy. Keep your dick in your pants because the next time I have to bring you in for punishment I’ll cut the fucking thing off and give it to Celeste as a chew toy.”

With this, the screen goes blank, and I struggle against the restraints in panic, afraid for Bianca. Her mental health is so fragile right now, and I wonder why the hell she would sneak out knowing if she’s caught she would face punishment again. Anxiety flares, my heart pounding in my chest when the screen flares back to life, but it’s not the sight of my beloved Bianca that greets me. It’s Remington—and she’s stripping inside what appears to be Cashel’s and Bentley’s dorm room.

Son of a fucking bitch.

My teeth gnash together in fury at the lust etched in the boys’ faces. Remington Radcliffe ismine—and I don’t share, especially with those two little pricks. The conversation is sparse, but I hear it loud and clear as if I’m in the room with them. Against my will, my dick stirs at the sight of Remi unbuttoning her blouse. The apprehension is clear on her face but both Bentley and Cashel remind her that this is of her own free will—then why does this feel like she’s being forced?

Perhaps my brain wants to think this. It’s easier to accept that Cashel and Bentley are taking Remi against her will as opposed to her giving them something I consider mine. The more I listen, the more I learn the boys are doing the same thing to Remington as I did to her. A small spark of guilt bursts to life inside of me, effectively killing my lust. Although it’s her choice, it’s still coercion, no matter how much anyone argues. Those assholes—and myself—just pretend Remi is in control of her fate, but we knowingly manipulate her into giving us all what we wanted.

Her body and soul.

Blinking, I refocus on the screen and groan. Now, they’re fucking tying Remington to the bunk bed with a belt. I slam my eyes closed, but it does nothing to blur the vision of Remi writhing under their touch. Her skin is still painted in red stripes from my previous encounter with her, the crimson lines marking my ownership of her body. Fucking Bentley and Cashel. There’s nothing they can take from her that she hasn’t already given me—except, there is.My stomach knots at the thought of these two fucking Remi in her pussy or her ass. Every inch of her was meant forme.

My sweet blonde’s moans draw my attention, and I crack my eyes open against my better judgment. She’s fucking begging them to let her come, and my cock slowly fills with blood as Cashel and Bentley untie her and instruct Remi to seek her own pleasure. Splayed like a fucking feast on the bottom bunk, she fingers her dripping pussy, her hips rising up to meet her frenzied movements—just like my dick rises.

Her piercing cries as she tumbles over the edge clash with mine as unrivaled pain slices through my groin. Goddammit—the cock cage is studded with razor-sharp needles inside. The harder I get, the easier the pointed tips sink into my flesh. I thought I could control my physical reaction to Remi, but I’ve failed even myself. Of course, this is Windsor’s point—I can’t stop—even when faced with maiming my manhood.

I seethe with pure rage, thrashing against restraints holding me back. Windsor’s mocking laughter echoes in my brain, taunting me with his presence even though he’s not here. The bastard has wormed his way inside my mind, and I can’t dislodge him anymore than I can shake free of the cock cage. Striving to regain control, I force my head to look anywhere but at the screen. It’s no use closing my eyes—I still see Remington there, still hear her moans.

Scanning the book shelves that line the wall opposite of the secret panel door, I read the titles on the spines, mentally summarizing each story. When I reach the third shelf, my gaze snags on a bottle of pills, and unease creates a vice around my heart, squeezing painfully as I strain to read the contents. The bottle isn’t there by mistake. Fucking Windsor ordered it left there for me to see. Since I doubt the man is poisoning me, I narrow my eyes, trying to see what’s inside. Squinting, I make out a V-I-A-G.


There’s no point in reading the rest—it’s Viagra. The only question now is did Celeste really give me some or did she just leave it there so Windsor could mindfuck me even more? Both are plausible options. Considering I have no idea how much time has passed, it’s hard saying if I was given a pill and it hasn’t taken effect yet… except, my dick is getting hard again at the sounds of Remington panting every time Bentley or Cashel calls her a whore. I might be able to turn away, but I can’t help but hear every sigh and gasp of pleasure she makes—and every fucking grunt of ecstasy made by those two fucksticks.

My blood boils at the knowledge but also rushes south.

Cursing myself a fool, I turn my head back to the screen. Now, Remi is crawling like a slut to the boys, her glorious tits swinging with every lunge forward. My mouth waters and my dick throbs in agony. By the time Cashel and Bentley have rained their hot cum over her pale skin and snowballed it into her mouth, there are thin trails of blood seeping from the cock cage.

And yet, it still does nothing to deter my hard-on for this girl.

“Time for round three,” Bentley’s voice announces.

“I can’t…” Remi protests for us both.

The agony in my cock is almost too much to bear, but I always get off from pain. In fascinated horror, I watch Cashel shove his dick into Remington’s pussy—I love it and hate it at the same time. Bentley keeps spanking her ass and clit, making my blonde beauty mewl like a kitten. Fuck me, she’s perfect. Even under the hands of these untrained boys, she glows, and I wonder what she would do if it was me inside of her instead of that little cockstain.

The two wring another orgasm from Remington before switching places. It’s obvious that she’s ready to pass out as Bentley slips into her abused pussy and Cashel into her mouth. I want to rage at the screen for them to stop—that she needs a break—but I know Windsor is watching me, and I won’t give the bastard the satisfaction of hearing me speak. It’s killing me to keep my face devoid of emotion, but dammit, Remington ismineto push over the edge.

Not theirs.

And yet, here they go, taking her to new heights that isn’t theirs to explore. Even exhausted, Remi’s body responds, as does mine. Her head thrashes from side to side, as if fighting her impending orgasm, and I mentally mimic her movements because mine is barreling down my spine without any way of stopping it. Bentley savagely twists her clit, and Remington screams as she comes.