Page 104 of Heartbreak for Two




Maude makes her presence known as soon as she arrives in Glasgow. She blows into my dressing room like a tornado.

“You would not believe the crowd out there,” she proclaims, throwing her arms around me.

I hug her tightly, absorbing the familiarity and the comfort of a close friend—which I don’t have many of. I’ve always been a bit of a loner. I’ve never been part of a large group of friends. Not before my career took off, and certainly not since. I’m a solo act outside of music too, for the most part.

“Pretty sure I would, actually,” I reply.

Maude pulls back. She looks me up and down, letting out an appreciative whistle. “Damn, girl. This is quite the getup.”

Is it a coincidence I saved my most risqué outfit for the last night of the European leg? No, because I planned to seduce Teddy at some point. That will no longer be happening.

We’ve barely spoken since he broke up with me after the hottest sexual encounter of my life. Talk about the highest of highs, followed by rock bottom. The guy made me come so hard that I could barely stand—literally up in the sky—and then told me it would never happen again once we were on solid ground.

I think it would be less painful if I didn’t understand where he was coming from. Ellie was the strongest force keeping us apart before, and Teddy clearly still thinks that’s the case. Telling Ellie I’ve been sleeping with her ex isn’t an exciting prospect, but it’s not the reason I’m clinging to temporary. It’s an excuse to cover up that I’m scared—terrified, actually. I’d rather never try with Teddy than try and fail. It’s absolutely irrational and borderline masochistic, but it’s the truth.

“Hello? Earth to Sutton.”

I shake my head and refocus on Maude. “Sorry. Just thinking about the show.”

“Not the hot, forbidden teacher?”

I figured there was a chance Maude would bring him up. I know the only reason she hasn’t been spamming me with suggestive questions about Teddy for the past few weeks is because she was selected as first chair on a huge murder case right before I left Los Angeles.

“The show,” I reiterate.

“So, that fizzled out?”

“What do you mean?”

Maude rolls her eyes. “After the photos I saw, there’s nothing you can say to convince me you’re not sleeping with him.”

“What photos?”

She pulls her phone out and flashes the screen at me. A photo of me and Teddy is displayed.

It must have been taken during the Paris performance because we’re side by side at the front of the stage. We’re looking at each other, not the audience. We look in love, not in lust.

I peer closer, right as the screen goes dark.

“That’s yourlock screen photo?”

Maude shrugs. “I know you don’t look at any of your press, so I figured you hadn’t seen it. Easy access.” She eyes me. “You didn’t tell mehowhot he was.”

“I don’t think his appearance is relevant. He’s my guitarist—barely. Pretty soon, he won’t even be that.”

“You seem thrilled.”

Thankfully, Suzan chooses this moment to barge into the dressing room. “Ready for the meet and greet?” She glances at her watch. “We’re five minutes behind schedule.”

I sip some water and then cap the bottle. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

“Nice to see you too, Suzan,” Maude comments, heavy on the sarcasm.