Page 84 of Addicted to Santino


“Cecco was dealing with the other stiff. Now, he has Tony in the basement to keep him from squealing. I’ve got a body in the trunk, come help me,” Piero’s voice lowers. “You got someone here with you, Santi? You didn’t fucking take your lady hostage! The girl from the news . . . that has nothing to do with Big Tony. That’s all you!”

I step closer to the front door, not daring to look up. I whisper, “It’s a misunder—”

“Misunderstanding! I thought she looked familiar! That’s the same sweet girl you only introduced to my dear sister and Antonia?” Piero grits under his breath. “Santi, you’re smart, smart like your father. Look at me. You’re a good man. You wouldn’t hurt a woman. Shit, not even our side of thefamigliahurts women!”

“Uncle, calm down. She’s okay.”

“So, you’re back together?”

“It’s complicated—”

A sharp scream cuts through . . .



For almost a week, Santino and I are stuck in this cabin, so close, yet so far away. In a matter of moments, the tragedy has been saturated in lighter fluid. Our scandalous love affair ignited once more. Now, seconds pass like an eternity, with Santino ambling downstairs. My mouth salivates forhim.

Forking my teeth over my bottom lip, I slowly tiptoe to the banister.

“ . . . in the basement to keep him from squealing. I’ve got a body in the trunk, come help me . . .”

My trembling hands find my fallen lip.Oh, my God, oh, my God!

Basement. Body!

Soundlessly, I back away before being caught. Forget my precocious upbringing. Quieter than a country mouse, I snatch on the jeans. Fuck the muffin top. I have never dressed so fast in my life.

Santino won’t kill you, idiot!

My split personality responds.Bitch, you may have a fat bank account. But do you want to put some money on those words? Wait around to find out?

My heart was just in his hands again. After the video Gabriella shoved in my face, I swore he could rot in hell before I caved.He played you, bitch!

I close the bathroom door behind me. I have the audacity not to care about toe fungus while stuffing my feet into the ancient Timberlands.

Oh, shit, he murdered Carlos! He told you, TAUNTED YOU, and all you heard was ‘suck my dick!’I’m flushed hot.

He knew Gabby and Cora set him up!I quickly figure out the scenario from Santino’s perspective. A rich bitch and her friends played him—I’m referring to myself, by the way. He must think this whole thing was a farce. That I was aware of Gabriella’s devious decision. I called him out at the bar. My mouth has signed a check my ass can’t cash!

Pulse drumming in my ears, I ease myself onto the window ledge. I extend my hands to the closest tree branch. The chilled wood grazes my fingertips. I score a splinter. Just then, my lower body slips. Go figure, I’ve been so wrapped up in my fear of falling for Santino. Now, the variables are synonymous—two divergent fears: falling andhim.

“Ahhh!” Air swooshes around me as I tumble from the window. My body sinks into slushy snow. There’s a soft pop of my ankle. Grinding down on my teeth, I scurry to a Lincoln town car.

Dead body in the trunk! Carlos’s dead body is in the trunk! Gagging down breakfast, I climb into the driver seat. With trembling fingers, I touch the key already in the ignition.

I chant, “Thank you, Jesus!”

“Gina!” Santino’s calling me from the upstairs window.

I shout, “Fuck you, killer!”

“Baby, wait!”

I slam the door just as my eyes fill with recognition. The tiny man running out of the cabin is the pizza guy! That bastard’s delivering more than pizzas this evening. Shame on him.