Page 45 of Addicted to Santino

My eyes fall to Gina’s plush mouth before her face finds sanctuary against my bicep. She whispers, “Oh, shit. My dad’s behind you.”

“Sweetheart,” an imposing voice calls out. “By way of ‘getting hitched,’ am I to presume you’re referring to marriage?”

Gina won’t move. I hold her close, turning around. From the shock burning along her cheek, I’m guessing matrimony isn’t all her father heard. I extend my hand to a light-skinned man. His eyes register my death certificate, though not my attempt at a greeting.

Dropping my hand, I state, “Santino Morelli. You have a lovely daughter, Mr. Galloway. Nothing would make me happier than marrying her one day.”

Gina’s groan bleeds into the thick silence. Mr. Galloway’s cell phone rings.

“Excuse me, Mr. Morelli. This call is of the utmost importance.” He disappears behind a closed door.

Gina pulls me into another door of many that turns out to be a bathroom. Closing the door, she says, “Now, I really want to suck your dick.”

“You’re nervous.”

“Yes.” She leans against a marble counter, her ass and hips spilling out the sides of her dress. After a quick double take, my eyes reassess her lovely, crestfallen face.

“Santi, I’m so sorry. That was the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done in my entire life. Now, he hates you!”

Running my thumb along her collarbone, I drop a few kisses there. My mouth moves along the hallowed line of her throat to her lips.

“This is serious, Santino!”

My teeth chew her bottom lip. The usual effect is her hands flying to my dick. When Gina whimpers again, I bite harder.

As she says ‘ouch,’ I shrug.

“So, your dad knows you’ve had sex.”

“This is so much bigger than sex, Santino! That was a power move. A dick move.” She begins to mutter to herself, licking her swollen bottom lip. “If you were Steven or someone Dad deemed worthy, he’d say howtime is moneywhile pressing the silence button. He’d make a show of giving you his undivided attention.”

“So, he hates me. We have our whole lives to rectify it.”

Gina stops in front of me. “Pinkie swear.”

Santino lifts his pinkie. “The only place my pinkie belongs—”

“Bad Santa!”

“Well, I’m a man of my word. Fuck a pinkie swear.”

“Okay. Since we’re in here, I think my sucking your dick will still calm some of my nerves.” Now how do I say no to such a beautiful face?

* * *

Once Gina showsme her room, which was surprisingly not pink, we take the walk she desperately needs. With my arm around her, my palm runs along her sides.

“You’re freezing,” I mutter, crushing my mouth against hers.

The second Gina lets go, she glances back toward her parents’ house. “Long as it doesn’t rain, we’ll be fine. I’m waiting for one more rental car; it has to be Geraldine. My family is quite calm at the beginning of dinner. We’ll eat very quickly. Then we’re—.”

My palm runs along her cheek. “Slow down for Daddy, Bella.”

“Yum, that tone will have me dragging your ass into the bushes, Santino.” Her tongue slides along her bottom lip.

“You want my dick in your mouth.”

“I really do.”